Pubdate: Wed, 09 Aug 2006
Source: Ponoka News (CN AB)
Copyright: 2006 Ponoka News
Author: Danielle Ouimet


After a recommendation from the RCMP, town council passed a motion to 
hire a plainclothes, drug enforcement officer. As part of the 
Mounties' community plan, members of the local detachment developed 
methods to target community-specific issues, says Cpl. Glenn De Maere.

"One of the major issues is drugs."

DeMaere, a member of the Ponoka force for the past two years, says 
this new position will be a valuable resource because currently 
general duty members have to divide their time between an assortment 
of complaints or incidents and don't usually have time to conduct 
in-depth drug investigations. The new officer's role will deal solely 
with drug activity, and DeMaere says that's just what the Ponoka 
detachment needs.

"With a dedicated resource, we have just that."

Council's approval has been sent to RCMP headquarters in the nation's 
capital. DeMaere says he hopes the new addition will be here in April 
of 2007, which is the beginning of the RCMP's fiscal year, but 
they're waiting for word from Ottawa for an exact date.

"Ottawa will do what they need to do to make it a reality."

Coun. Marnie Wilkins calls the new position "certainly necessary, and 
a good addition."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom