Pubdate: Thu, 10 Aug 2006
Source: Hawke's Bay Today (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2006
Bookmark: (Marijuana)
Bookmark: (Ecstasy)
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


As the sun rose yesterday, 60 police officers suited up, ready for the
culmination of a 10-month-operation aimed at cracking an organised
drug ring in Hawke's Bay.

By the time the tired officers left work last night, 30 people had
been arrested and faced charges including possession of cannabis, sale
of methamphetamine and possession of a firearm without a licence.

Some were members of a prominent gang but police refused to specify
which one.

Police raided 24 addresses in Hastings, Napier, Waipukurau and Wairoa,
seizing more than 70 cannabis seedlings, 3kg of cannabis, several bags
of methamphetamine, ecstasy tabs, a sawn-off shotgun and thousands of
dollars in cash.

Police also found and dismantled two hydroponic set-ups for growing

Eastern Police District crime services manager Detective Inspector Sam
Aberahama said Operation Oyster was one of the biggest operations in
recent years and they were pleased with the outcome.

The operation targeted organised crime in the region, and Mr Aberahama
said police believed they had cracked the ring. "We enlisted the help
of an undercover police officer," he said, but refused to elaborate.

"This is just one tool in the box of investigative techniques that we
used," Mr Aberahama said.

The district commander, Superintendent Grant Nicholls, said he was
delighted with the success of the operation particularly as it
followed a recent successful operation in Wairoa where 17 gang members
were arrested.

"This district is committed to targeting organised crime and getting
to the heart of their drug-distribution networks," he said.

"We have an ongoing interest in apprehending those involved in
organised crime. We will continue to focus on reducing opportunity for
this type of offending."

Mr Aberahama asked people to continue passing information on to the
police because it would be acted on. "If you are involved in drugs and
it's reported to the police, expect some attention," he warned.

"People who choose to be involved face a real risk of

Five people appeared in the Hastings District Court yesterday
afternoon following the early-morning searches.

Although all were released as police did not oppose bail, Judge
Richard Watson warned four of them that because of the serious nature
of the charges they faced life imprisonment.

They were all remanded to the Hastings District Court on August 17.
More of those arrested in yesterday's raids were expected to appear
before the court this morning. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake