Pubdate: Sun, 13 Aug 2006
Source: Des Moines Register (IA)
Copyright: 2006 The Des Moines Register.
Author: Larry Sangl


Fran Koontz's article regarding her son's imprisonment for 
alcohol-related offenses is a masterpiece of denial. John is serving 
a sentence for drug and weapons charges. He began his destructive 
alcoholic behavior at 18, graduating to meth at 40. [He also had] 
multiple DUIs.

Despite her repeated protestations that he is a nonviolent offender, 
hurting only himself and those who love him, he has shown no concern 
for others who may be on the receiving end of his drunken driving.

And what about those casually mentioned weapon charges?

His civil rights at his trial may have been violated? Were my civil 
rights violated when he smashed down the road? And that $23,000 a 
year to house him in federal prison is a cheap price to pay if it 
keeps him off the street.

I think her son is correct. He states that he needs to be sent 
somewhere for longer than a 30-day treatment to learn about his 
illness. He is there.

- - Larry Sangl

Linn Grove.
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