Pubdate: Thu, 17 Aug 2006
Source: Kingsport Times-News (TN)
Copyright: 2006 Kingsport Publishing Corporation
Author: Rebecca McCracken


My appreciation for the attention you have drawn to the drug problem 
in the area. As a Kingsport native, I have seen this problem escalate 
to unimaginable levels in recent years. This problem needs to be 
addressed to ensure the safety of innocent citizens. I have lived in 
the Bloomingdale community all of my life. There has been an influx 
of drug dealers in this community in the past few years. I agree that 
prescription drug abuse is a major problem here; however, the issue 
of street drugs should not be overlooked. All types of drug abuse are 
a major problem.

While there are some doctors who give out narcotics prescriptions 
freely, most do not. The problem is drug dealers. No matter what drug 
they are selling, they are ruining a life. They prey on people who 
are having problems and looking for a quick way to fix it. No one is 
exempt, from children who just want to fit in, to people who get 
overwhelmed with the struggles of day to day life. They tell them it 
will help them to cope and it's only this once. What these "one-time" 
users don't realize is everyone who uses was a one-time user at some 
point. It is time to change the war on drugs - drugs do not abuse 
themselves. It needs to be the war on drug dealers, and they should 
know it will not be over until every last one is off of our streets.

Rebecca McCracken

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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman