Pubdate: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 Source: Worcester Magazine (MA) Copyright: 2006 by Worcester Publishing Ltd Contact: Details: Author: Scott Zoback Bookmark: (Needle Exchange) Bookmark: (Harm Reduction) THE PATH OF THE NEEDLE What Neighborhood Face When Drugstores Sell Needles Like Cigarettes Rough night. Just couldn't sleep. Needed something, something strong, a pop to it. Quick stop at the CVS; bottle of water, a lighter, and a pack of needles. Here we go. Junkie or diabetic, this is how easy it is going to be: If you're 18 or older, walk into a pharmacy — your local neighborhood shop, the Brooks, CVS, Walgreens or Wal-Mart. Walk up to the pharmaceutical counter. Buy 10. Leave. Despite the fury of the neighborhood activists who have fought the sale of hypodermic needles so hard and for so long, and despite Gov. Mitt Romney's efforts to the contrary, beginning on Sept. 18, anyone over the age of 18 will be able to buy disposable needles over the counter, having no more trouble than they would picking up a pack of Marlboros. And if some needle harm-reduction activist/advocates have their way, legal and illegal needle users will be able to dispose of their sharps in several secure "drop boxes" located throughout the city. It's a movement with some momentum, especially considering the new law allowing sales calls for some sort of disposal system. (As this article was going to press, city leaders were scheduled to hold a hearing on the so-called "Operation YellowBox" yesterday, Wednesday, Aug. 16.) The needles are here; they have been for a while. What's changed comes down to this: It is now legally sanctioned to purchase — over the counter — and possess one of the oldest forms of medical device. It will totally reshape the way sharps are acquired and, more important, the way they're handled after use; how they're disposed of and where they end up. This is the new path of the needle. For years, activists and advo-cates, pro and con, have fought a battle over how available needles should be and where junkies leave them. It's a vicious fight with few boundaries. There was the incident in 2004 when Main South neighborhood activist/developer Frank Zitomersky and City Councilor Barbara Haller confronted an outreach worker handing out needle bleach kits on Main Street (See "The battle of Castle Park," Worcester Magazine, July 8, 2004). Zitomersky — one of the residents who, for years, has worked to clean up Castle Park practically with his bare hands — got so heated, he overturned the worker's table. Charges were later filed against him for allegedly pushing the man. The needle exchange effort got a little quieter after that. There's something inherently territorial, something very "West Side vs. Main South" about the entire controversy. When AIDS ProjectWorcester director Edla Bloom says, "The person who is a drug addict is not going to have a sharp dispenser," she is talking about the homeless user behind the P&W tracks, not the 40-year-old professional shooting up in his West Side basement while the family sleeps. This is about poor people and their needles. Let's not pretend it's about anything else. Where the path begins When legalized needle sales start at local pharmacies — and indications are they will, just as the state bill takes effect on Sept. 18 — they will be available in almost every corner of the city. Although the bill does not require pharmacies to sell the clean needles, several of the larger chains have indicated that they plan to do so once the law goes into effect. Representatives from both Wal-Mart and Brooks Pharmacies told The Boston Herald in July that they would be selling needles, while CVS, Stop&Shop, BJ's Pharmacy and Walgreens said they would wait until they found out what the new guidelines would be. But in other states, needles are commonly available at pharmacies, and one could assume that they would be here as well. One local pharmacist says that his business is waiting for more information before they make a decision. Brian Ambrefe of the Mass. Pharmacists Association says he will personally allow sales in his Lynnfield store. Still, he admits, "there is some concern on how to deal with someone who is obviously under the influence of drugs. There is some trepidation from some owners in areas with more drug abuse." While the exact plans aren't clear, one could draw a parallel to the state's 2005 effort led by Sen. Harriette Chandler (D-Worcester)(and the similar voluntary effort by big-chain pharmacies) to reduce the production of crystal meth by placing pseudoephedrine products behind the counter. Under the new law, you don't need a prescription; but you have to go to the pharmacist to pick them up. At this point, it becomes more about controlling needle distribution through required ID checks than preventing people from getting their hands on them. Here's an idea of how cheap it's going to be. You can order a 1-inch, 22-gauge needle — the right size for "muscling" (shooting up directly in the muscle) — from for $8.13. Of that amount, $7.99 of that is for shipping; so figure that at the store, that's a 14-cent needle. Or how about this: For $20.20 including shipping, you get a 100-unit order of 3cc 20-gauge 1-inch syringe/needle combinations. That needle's a little too big for shooting meth — but the price isn't much different for something of a better size. And if buyers are limited to 10 needles per purchase, as proposed, it'll be even cheaper. And when we say they'll be accessible everywhere, that means everywhere. This is what really scares opponents of needle availability: There are more than 50 pharmacies in or right around the city — more than one per square mile, on average — including chains (Big Y, Brooks, CVS, Shaw's, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Price Chopper, Stop&Shop) and the little guys (Beacon Pharmacy, Park Ave. Pharmacy, Haig & Haig). If every pharmacy starts selling needles, opponents claim, no less than utter chaos will result. Not only will needles litter every park in the city, they say, but giving drug users easier access means more needles. More needles means more shooting up; more shooting up means more overdose-related deaths, if you follow their logic. On the other hand, advocates say that a better availability of clean, sterile, disposable needles (partnered, of course, with the Operation YellowBox, detailed below), will mean a lower instance of shared needles, thus meaning a lower transmission rate of blood-borne diseases, most notably HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. As an aside, they also say it makes obtained needles slightly easier for legal users — those who have diabetes or another disease requiring needles — who currently need a prescription to get them. Sen. Chandler is clear: "I'm not going to tell you it's going to be dramatic," she says, rather saying there will be a "slight diminishment." The end of the official path As the current plan stands, if the drop boxes are approved — and it looks like with the new law it'll happen this time around — they will first be placed at seven locations: AIDS ProjectWorcester, The Great Brook Valley Heath Center, The PIP Shelter, The Willis Center, the Meade Street home of the Worcester Department of Health & Human Services, a private practice on Belmont Street, and at the Graham Putnam Funeral Home at 833 Main St. The placement of the boxes is entirely up to whoever runs the building they're placed at, hence the locations at agencies and businesses that are in high-risk neighborhoods or that have long supported harm-reduction programs. Still, every single location is bound to be controversial. For one, the location of the boxes is heavily weighted toward Main South. Four of the seven are within a short walk of each other; two on Main Street (The PIP Shelter at 701 Main St. and the Graham Putnam Funeral Home) and two on the other side of the railroad tracks (AIDS ProjectWorcester on Green Street and the DPH on Meade Street). No two of those boxes will be more than a mile from another. Indeed, Haller says, "My initial reaction was to be insulted that the five locations were all inner-city locations." On the other hand, even advocates of the boxes admit there aren't enough agreed-upon locations, especially in "high-risk" areas like Great Brook Valley, which only has one proposed box as of press time. If the goal is to reduce the number of needles being left behind in parks and back alleys and abandoned lots by chronic users, you need to have more than one box in a high-risk area. But that is really the heart of the dilemma: NIMBYs and opponents will criticize Operation Yellowbox either way — either there are too many boxes in high-risk areas, essentially encouraging users to hang around there and continue to shoot up and the like; or there are not enough boxes, and thus their purpose isn't being fulfilled. The other big question opponents raise is whether or not drug users will bother to place used needles in the boxes, or will be willing to walk up to them in daylight to toss their waste. Two of the most vocal opponents of any needle legitimization, Main South's Billy Breault and Haller, have long stood against any plan that would make it seemingly more "right" for addicts to possess needles. Both have also voiced the opinion that many of their peers share: that the "true" users — and by that, they mean the hardcore junkies sprinkled through Main South, not the "high-class" user — will never use a drop box system, even if its available. "I'm not sure whose going to be using these boxes," says Haller. Nonetheless, Chandler says the boxes should allay some fears. "That's the last piece that worries people — how to dispose of them," she says. Advocates maintain that the boxes will have some good positive effect. Maybe not all needles will end up in the drop boxes, but if half do, it's a win. Bloom is optimistic. "I do think people will dispose," she says. "Let's provide the vehicles so the syringes will not get dropped on the ground." In her eyes, it comes down to the simple philosophy of harm reduction. Needles are already in play, so let's reduce their negative impact on public health, the theory goes. "The person who is a drug addict is not going to have a sharp disposer," she says, bringing up the old chestnut, "People who are drug addicts are just like the rest of us — they're people." Bloom also cites the success of the program in other cities, but the list of communities is certainly shorter than those offering needle exchange programs. Baltimore tried an "Operation Red Box" for a short time in the 1990s; the Greater Seattle area has a comprehensive harm-reduction program that includes 12 drop boxes and several other needle disposal sites in the King County area. According to a report issued by Worcester Health Commissioner Leonard Morse, there are also drop-box programs in California, Maryland, Rhode Island, New York, Florida, Minnesota, Iowa, New Mexico and Wisconsin. The report also cites limited Massachusetts programs in Franklin County and Haverhill. If you accept that the boxes (or at least the places where they'll be located) are centered at least somewhat strategically, you can also get a pretty good picture of where the needles will be left when they aren't properly disposed. Within walking distance of the Main Street drop boxes alone are several parks that have a long standing history with needles and drug paraphernalia — Castle Park, University Park and Beaver Brook Park. And then there are the abandoned lots, shantytowns and train-track hideouts that dot the landscape in between. Having fought for so long to get the needles out of their neighborhood, it is understandable that the three — Haller, Breault, Zitomersky and the rest of their ilk — would adamantly oppose anything that would endorse needle use. "I don't think continuing to stigmatize inner-city neighborhoods is the way [to solve this]," says Haller. "If we have to go the yellow-box route, I'd say we have to put them all over the city. I'm not coming to the table convinced." What they really want Even advocates who pushed for the OTC needle sales and drop-box program admit it isn't the full boat that they wanted. Edla Bloom says a fully supported program working with injection drug users "wasn't meant to be. Although we feel a real full harm/risk reduction program is very important, you have to take smaller steps," she says, quickly adding that she isn't proposing that the city turn to a needle exchange program at this point. Still, you can hear it in her voice, and in the whispers of the harm-reduction crowd: A full needle exchange program would be the ideal. State Sen. Harriette Chandler says that a needle-exchange program is "not necessarily" her goal, but she does admit that there are some shortcomings of the OTC sale and drop-box program. "We're talking about clean needles in both cases. Making it just a bit easier to use clean needles, and not get/share infection. But in one case [needle exchange], not only do they get a clean needle, they also get some assistance in terms of rehab. They don't get that here. There's no advocacy for rehab." Despite that, Chandler says that she sees the benefit of only going this far. "One of the chief complaints from opponents of exchange programs is that having the state pay for needles is essentially endorsing drug use," she says. "Under the new law, however, at least the state is not paying for the needle — they're buying it. "We tried to do this bill before," says Chandler. "Its taken people awhile to understand that it's not going to cause an epidemic of needles. It hasn't in the other 46 states [with programs]." —S.Z. As much as social service siting divides people, needle programs have the potential to be the most polarizing issue in the city. Needle advocates paint a picture of it being a public health concern, opponents turn around and raise the same issue from a different point of view. It gets ugly: listening to opponents, you would think that drop box and OTC sale advocates were supporting open heroin use. It's one of those issues so divisive, rivals even disagree about the facts. In one letter sent out by Breault's Main South Alliance for Public Safety in May, a bolded statement called out a major argument of needle-sale advocates: "Claims that Massachusetts is one of only three states that have not decriminalized needle sales are false and misleading." The fight isn't over the availability of needles to control diabetes or the like. What the battle boils down to is the question of the health hazards, to innocents and themselves, of junkies on the streets. On one side is the trash and threat to the community that has to host the wasted. On the other side, there's the threat of HIV/AIDS between users who share needles they can't get otherwise. Well, now the state has made its choice and we're all going to live with it. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom