Pubdate: Sun, 27 Aug 2006
Source: Chronicle Herald (CN NS)
Copyright: 2006 The Halifax Herald Limited
Author: Canadian Press
Bookmark: (Heroin)
Bookmark: (Methadone)


GRAND MANAN, N.B. - The leader of New Brunswick's Liberal party is 
promising to develop a comprehensive strategy to deal with drug addiction 
in the province.

Shawn Graham made the announcement Saturday on Grand Manan Island, where a 
suspected crack house was torched last month amid growing outrage over 
local drug trafficking.

If the Liberals are elected on Sept. 18, the party would work with 
health-care providers, community groups and justice officials to find ways 
to help addicts and prevent addiction, said Graham.

"We can no longer continue to sweep the issue of addiction under the rug," 
Graham said in an interview.

"That means there needs to be new partnerships with community stakeholders 
to look at ways we can beat addictions and at the same time provide the 
best treatment and prevention programs."

He said a Liberal government would improve access to methadone, which is 
used to treat heroin addicts, in large cities and smaller communities.

Graham, whose party held 26 of the legislature's 55 seats before the 
election call, also promised to work with the federal government to fight 
organized crime and address the province's drug trade.

NDP Leader Allison Brewer said a Liberal government under former premier 
Frank McKenna gutted many of the province's social programs.

Brewer, whose party doesn't have a seat in the legislature, said the only 
way to curb drug abuse is with a strong focus on prevention.

"Of course we need the treatment facilities, but the most important thing 
is to provide the resources on the ground for people before they get to 
that stage," said Brewer, who spent the day campaigning in the riding of 

Brewer said the NDP has long advocated working with local communities to 
identify and fix the root causes of drug addiction.

Conservative Premier Bernard Lord was unavailable for comment.
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