Pubdate: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 Source: Daily Sentinel, The (Grand Junction, CO) Copyright: 2006 Cox Newspapers, Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Joe Higgins Janet Rowland, Mesa County Meth Task Force Bookmark: (Methamphetamine) Bookmark: (Youth) COMMUNITY SUPPORT ASSISTS METH TASK FORCE IN DRUG FIGHT Editor: While the pages of The Daily Sentinel are often filled with the negative side of the meth problem, we feel it is important to talk about the positive efforts of our community in the fight against meth. The Grand Junction Kiwanis came forward to help young children whose parents use meth. As a result, they are helping to develop an adult-mentor program for parents who are working to stay off meth. The Grand Junction Rotary Club is sponsoring a special, "Masquerade" fund-raiser to support the efforts to help drug-endangered children who are often removed from their homes. The Grand Junction Lions are donating prevention curriculum and training to local agencies, churches, child-care centers and youth programs. Two local therapists volunteer to facilitate a support group for family members of meth users. The meeting space is donated by the First Presbyterian Church. The Daily Sentinel provided discount for publishing the Meth White Paper in January, 2006. Impact Promotions provided a discount on the "Live Meth Free" wristbands. Local television and radio media have assisted with airing public-service announcements. Local businesses and health agencies combined funding with local units of government to provide staff support for the Mesa County Meth Task Force. We are honored by the groups and individuals who have stepped up to address the meth problem in Mesa County. While meth abuse might be a symbol of all that is bad and troublesome in Mesa County, concerned citizens who care enough to get involved are a symbol of all that is good in Mesa County. Your generosity and involvement does not go unnoticed. Joe Higgins Janet Rowland Mesa County Meth Task Force Grand Junction - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman