Pubdate: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 Source: Express (Nelson, CN BC) Copyright: 2006 Kootenay Express Communication Corp. Contact: Website: Details: Referenced: Author: Russell Barth RE: MARCHING FOR MARY JANE Dear Editor, As a Federal Medical Marijuana license holder who is also married to one, I would like to thank the Nelson police for busting Paul DeFelice. There had been a lull in publicity for our cause, so it comes at a great time, highlighting, as it does, the mindless, hypocritical absurdity and lunkheaded brutality of marijuana prohibition. It is unfortunate that Mr. DeFelice and others may go to jail, but many activists suffer for their causes. Imprisoning him will not scare more people away from marijuana; it will likely make more people take up the cause. Paul may become a martyr, a folk-hero, and users and non-users alike will come forward and voice their disgust. Our "conservative" government knows full well that prohibition fuels gang profits and street crime. That is why they like it. They get to rant about the "soaring crime rates," while statistics show that there has actually been a five per cent decrease in crime over the past year. Taking the marijuana business out of the hands of teens and criminals and putting it into the hands of responsible adults is socially conservative. Generating tax revenue from that industry is fiscally conservative, and using that money to teach kids why they should avoid drugs is morally conservative. By not legalizing and regulating marijuana production and sales, we subsidize criminals, make pot easier for kids to access than either tobacco or alcohol, waste valuable police resources and billions of dollars annually, deprive ourselves of a source of valuable medicine, and miss out on $3 billion in annual tax revenue. The Tories refusal to even consider legalizing marijuana leads me to wonder just which side of the law these so-called "conservatives" are really on. Russell Barth Federal Medical Marijuana License Holder Ottawa - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake