Pubdate: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 Source: Express (Nelson, CN BC) Copyright: 2006 Kootenay Express Communication Corp. Contact: Website: Details: Referenced: Author: Joel Harris DRUG BUST PROOF OF A FAILED WAR Dear Editor, The recent "bust"in Nelson is just part and parcel of another failed war (this one on drugs) our Prime Minister has ordained Canadians to drag on. Police minions get their marching orders from the top boss, not the community. Canadian common sense was trumped by Harper's twisted American-style letter of the law, with its born-again mean spirited mentality. Canadians are drawn daily into the current morass of lies, bigotry, distrust, racism, intolerance and heinous brutality, in the neo-conservative, fortress we call North America. Canada has real problems, God knows, but military occupation, police state tactics and revocation of basic rights and freedoms are overwhelmingly not the solutions Canadians want. Remember the outraged national shock, social turmoil and resulting hostilities in Quebec or any number of ill-advised, ongoing jackbooted disputes with indigenous peoples or recreational drug users. These reckless encounters do not reflect the professional attitude, sociological approach or compassionate tools of successful mediation in disputes, whether between warring nations, union negotiators, bullying children or diverse communities. We are being stripped of our Canadian way of life. So a small, local business, Holy Smoke, is regrettably "busted" by an armed, over zealous, moral guardian after years of relatively inconspicuous service to Nelson. To borrow an old election slogan from those obviously incapable to fulfill it, now is a great time to "Stand Up for Canada." Joel Harris Passmore - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake