Pubdate: Tue, 29 Aug 2006
Source: Commercial Dispatch, The (MS)
Copyright: C 2006 The Commercial Dispatch
Author: Joey Vaughan
Bookmark: (Cocaine)
Note: MAP archives articles exactly as published, except that our 
editors may redact the names and addresses of accused persons who 
have not been convicted of a crime, if those named are not otherwise 
public figures or officials.


A Columbus woman has been charged with manslaughter after an autopsy 
on her stillborn baby found it died from cocaine toxicity.

[Name redacted], 32, Columbus, was arrested Sunday at 1 p.m. and 
charged with culpable negligent manslaughter after her baby was 
stillborn July 30.

"Coroner Greg Merchant advised that he had suspicions of possible 
illegal drug use as the cause of the stillbirth," Columbus Police 
Chief J.D. Sanders said in a statement Monday.

An autopsy performed by state medical examiner Steve Hayne in Jackson 
found the cause of death of the infant was cocaine toxicity.

Merchant notified the Columbus Police Department of the report, and 
investigators there determined probable cause existed to arrest [Name 
redacted]. "The baby was a full-term, healthy-looking baby," Merchant 
said. "It was just dead. I became suspicious of the situation."

Merchant held the body and had an autopsy performed. Physically, the 
baby was fine, Merchant said, but blood toxicology reports indicated 
high levels of cocaine in its system. At that point, Merchant 
contacted the police department for assistance.

Merchant couldn't say if the baby was exposed to the drug over long 
periods of time or just once.

"The baby had a large amount of cocaine in it," Merchant said. 
"That's a straight line to the baby. It had enough cocaine within its 
system to be toxic."

Merchant said he wasn't at the hospital when [Name redacted] 
delivered the baby, but her behavior later made him suspicious. 
"There were some comments the mother had made," Merchant said. "I 
just had a gut feeling something wasn't exactly right."

[Name redacted]'s bond was set at $40,000 in a Monday hearing in 
municipal court. Her next hearing is scheduled for Sept. 7.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman