Pubdate: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 Source: Weyburn This Week (CN SN) Copyright: 2006 Weyburn This Week Contact: Details: DETECTIVE STEVEN WALTON TO SPEAK FOR WECADA WECADA (Weyburn Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse) is pleased to announce that Detective Steven Walton Retired, has agreed to come and speak within our community. WECADA is hoping to bring Mr. Walton during Drug Awareness Week which is November 19 to the 23, 2006. Mr. Walton has a wealth of knowledge that they are thrilled to bring to our community. He offers a number of workshops and it is the belief of WECADA that our community is aware that alcohol and drug issues exist in our community and would welcome a guest speaker with as much expertise and influence as Mr. Walton has within his field. Mr. Walton is a member of the California Narcotic Officers Association, the Clandestine Investigators Association, and is a member of the National Advisory Board for the Police Marksman Magazine. In his hometown of Calgary, Mr. Walton is on the advisory board and is an active instructor for the Addictions Studies faculty at Mount Royal College. Mr. Walton is a contributing editor to the American School Health Association and is an instructor for the nationwide drug awareness program P.A.R.T.Y. Mr. Walton has been published numerous times, and has written two books, First Response Guide to Street Drugs, and Club Drugs, Designer Drugs, and Predatorial Chemicals; First Response Guide to Street Drugs Volume 2. WECADA held a meeting Tuesday, September 5, 2006 at The Canadian Mental Health Building, 404 Ashford Street, at 7 p.m. to discuss and plan for bringing Mr. Walton to Weyburn. If you were unable to attend the meeting, but would like to provide some input, sponsorship, or ask questions, please contact WECADA at 842- 5587 (ask to speak to Mr. Ross Fenwick). - --- MAP posted-by: Steve Heath