Pubdate: Wed, 13 Sep 2006
Source: Post-Star, The (NY)
Copyright: 2006 Glens Falls Newspapers Inc.
Author: Omar Aquije
Bookmark: (Drug Test)
Bookmark: (Youth)


FORT EDWARD - Fort Edward school officials want the  community to see
the results of a survey that earlier  this year questioned high school
students about their  use of drugs and alcohol.

The results, school officials say, indicate that a  problem exists.

"I think we definitely have enough of a problem to  address it and
enough of a problem to make the  community aware of what's going on,"
said Fort Edward  Board of Education President Dan Boucher.

As a result, the survey's findings will be shared with  the public at
a special meeting scheduled for 6 p.m.  today at the Fort Edward High
School auditorium.

School officials said they want to raise awareness and  receive
suggestions from the community on how to handle  the issue. Parents
and community members are encouraged  to attend.

Drug and alcohol use among students has been a concern  in the Fort
Edward Union Free School District.

Random drug testing on athletes began a few years ago,  and parents
discovered photos on the Internet showing  Fort Edward students with
alcohol at a home earlier  this year, spurring some residents to
approach the  board.

Superintendent Stan Maziejka said he was not shocked  when he saw the
results of the survey.

"Looking at our statistics compared to the county and  nationwide,
it's pretty obvious to myself that we do  have an issue. We need to do
all we can to educate kids  and parents and come together to develop
solutions and  alternatives."

Maziejka did not say how many students admitted in the  survey to
using drugs or alcohol, but said the Council  for Prevention of
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Inc. will  make the data public today.
Earlier this year, the  board agreed to have the survey done through
the  council, which offers the questionnaire on drug and  alcohol use
every two years for schools in Warren and  Washington counties.

David Saffer, the council's executive director, said  most schools
release part of the survey to the  community.

Boucher said the district last did a survey a few years ago.

Under the latest survey, Fort Edward students in grades  7-12 were
given the questionnaire at the school. The  results are confidential,
but the board unanimously  agreed to make the totals public after
discussing the  idea with town and village officials.

The district already has scheduled a national speaker  to talk with
students in October about adolescent brain  development and drug and
alcohol use.
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