Pubdate: Wed, 27 Sep 2006
Source: Cherokee Sentinel (NC)
Copyright: 2006 Cherokee Sentinel
Author: Lizz Harold
Bookmark: (D.A.R.E.)


After having an educational career at Caldwell Community College for 16 
years and been named vice president of human resources in the medical 
field, it's not unusual that Dr. John Crosby turned towards fighting drug 
use in Cherokee County.

As the new director of the Cherokee County Drug Coalition, he plans to 
combat illegal substance abuse on all county levels.

"We can break the cycle of drug use with kids and adults," said Crosby.

Beginning with a county wide school survey, Crosby plans to use this method 
as a means of collecting data on substance use from parents, teachers and 

Facing the problems on all fronts, Crosby hopes to assess what he refers to 
as a "baseline" of drug behaviors.

"We'll use the baseline," said Crosby, "to put intervention into play."

Along with a county drug assessment, Crosby, in alliance with the Cherokee 
County School Board, is to integrate the Mendez program into the school 
curriculumn in the near future. The proven and progressive program starts 
with kindergarten and develops along with children up into high school 
preparing them to deal with alcohol and drug problems and pressure.

Often compared to the popular D.A.R.E program, Mendez could be the answer 
to early drug prevention in Cherokee County.

"I have seen the effects of drugs on young people," commented Crosby, "I 
think this would be something that could make a difference in the community."
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