Pubdate: Wed, 27 Sep 2006
Source: Ottawa Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2006 Canoe Limited Partnership
Author: Nelly Elayoubi


Street kids are showing the effects of meth use and a frontline 
worker wants to see a city task force set up to tackle the problem.

Tom Sidney, former manager of prevention and public education at 
Operation Go Home, first heard rumblings of the illicit stimulant 
drug back in March among the street youth.

Workers are increasingly seeing the effects of crystal meth in the 
street youth population.


"We're starting to see the breakouts on their face, we're starting to 
see the rapid weight loss, the gaunt look and different types of 
behaviour," Sidney said.

Since then, staff has been busy learning as much as they can about 
meth and working hard to educate youth on the highly addictive drug.

While youth aren't necessarily choosing to buy the drug, other drugs 
such as crack and even marijuana are being laced with meth.

"To be honest, I don't think most of them even realize they're doing 
it," Sidney said.

Mike Beauchesne, who runs the addictions programs at the Dave Smith 
Youth Treatment Centre, has seen an increase in crystal meth use 
among teens in the last year, but pot and alcohol remain the drugs of 
choice among the centre's teens.

Although the city has launched its integrated drugs and addictions 
strategy, that includes a residential youth treatment program, Sidney 
wants to see an advisory committee established to specifically deal 
with crystal meth in Ottawa.

"We can't stop it from coming here, we can only limit the impact it 
will have once it is here," he said.
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