Pubdate: Thu, 28 Sep 2006
Source: Orlando Sentinel (FL)
Copyright: 2006 Orlando Sentinel
Author: Henry Pierson Curtis, Sentinel Staff Writer
Note: Rarely prints out-of-state LTEs.


'People Went There For One Purpose: To Sell Drugs And To Prostitute,' 
A Sheriff's Detective Says.

A haven for hookers and dopers on South Orange Blossom  Trail has 
been shut down by court order until Christmas  weekend.

This week's unprecedented action against the Economy  Inn followed 
three years of disputes between its owners  and the Orange County 
Nuisance Abatement Board,  according to the Sheriff's Office.

"People went there for one purpose: to sell drugs and  to 
prostitute," Detective Don Woods said. "We believe  the owners let it 
go on because it keeps rooms booked."

When buyers seeking drugs or sex arrived at the Economy  Inn at 2904 
S. Orange Blossom Trail, Woods said,  members of the staff directed 
them to the appropriate  rooms so someone seeking pot wouldn't be 
offered  cocaine.

One such employee, Donald Gillard, had 17 aliases and  repeated 
convictions for dealing cocaine, according to  the state Department 
of Corrections.

The motel, which has fewer than 30 rooms, generated at  least 30 to 
40 drug-related arrests during the past  year, Woods said. It also 
generated about 350 "calls  for service" seeking law-enforcement 
assistance for  problems on the property, he said.

Three members of the motel's management, Jitendra Kumar  Patel, Paula 
Patel and Thakirbahi Patel, none of whom  are related, claimed they 
owned part or all of the  business, said Erick Dunlap, a sheriff's 
staff lawyer.

None of the Patels could be reached for comment.

The Nuisance Abatement Board ordered the Economy Inn to  close its 
doors in June, but the business remained open  until Sunday. That's 
when state Judge John H. Adams Sr.  ordered it to be shuttered for 90 
days, Dunlap said.

"The closure of a property like this is an action of  last resort," 
said Dunlap, noting that the business had  failed to pay $15,000 in 
fines and faces a sale next  month for $34,000 in back taxes.

The motel also failed to meet certain conditions, such  as conducting 
criminal-background checks on its  employees to weed out drug dealers 
and prostitutes.

"They didn't do it," Dunlap said. "They said they  didn't have 
'employees.' Instead they said they had  'volunteers' who were doing 
'community service.' "

Gillard, the employee with 17 aliases, had served four  terms in 
prison for dealing cocaine in 1991, 2000 and  2003, state records 
show. He was working at the Economy  Inn on Jan. 29, when deputies 
responded to a complaint  of a gun being fired in the convict's room, 
according  to Cpl. Susan Soto.

The smell of marijuana filled Room 12 when Gillard, 37,  opened the 
door, records show. Deputies charged him  with possession of drug 
paraphernalia and a concealed  weapon.

When the Economy Inn is allowed to reopen on Christmas  Eve, the 
owners must rid the premises of criminal  activity or face being 
closed for 12 months, according  to the Sheriff's Office.
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