Pubdate: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 Source: Daily Post Wales (UK) Copyright: 2006 Trinity Mirror North West & North Wales Limited Contact: Website: SPECTRE THE OWL AND HIS FRIENDS PUT ADDICTS RIGHT BACK ON TRACK "Most of these people have abilities - it's just that they have been in a rut for so long." Spectre the snowy owl, who is the same breed as Hedwig in the Harry Potter films, is agreat favourite together with Womble the barn owl, Jake the American Red Tail Hawk, and a team of Harris Hawks named Flint, Paddy and Gina. Islwyn added: "It does make people more aware of their surroundings. "Getting to know Spectre, Womble and the others does change people's lives, particularly those who have not been doing anything for a long time and need abit of aboost to their confidence." Dave Pulford, from Broker Cymru, told how the birds of prey had a particularly positive effect on their clients. "Some of our clients may not be quiet job-ready yet, but they are taking steps with our support towards that, which may include voluntary work, possible re-training or things which are therapeutic. "We have Job Brokers all over Wales and, pooling ideas from fellow colleagues, we have introduced various activities to boost clients' confidence and instil motivation, including going to the gym, archery team and other activities. "We took a group of clients for a full day up at Islwyn's farm and it was great. Islwyn obviously has very good people skills and knew exactly how to bring people on with the birds if they were a little wary or lacking in confidence. "It sounds silly but events like this really can have a big impact on our clients and strengthen our rapport with them." Tony Ormond works for Touchstones12, which runs a residential rehabilitation programme. Himself a former addict, he said: "Islwyn has created an opportunity for people who may have not had much opportunity in life and the day is something that gets talked about a lot around here." - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D