Pubdate: Sat, 30 Sep 2006
Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Copyright: 2006 The Leader-Post Ltd.
Authors: Anne Kyle, Heather Polischuk
Bookmark: (Cocaine)


The Regina Public School Teachers Association has confirmed one of  
its members has been suspended without pay pending the outcome of his  
trouble with the law.

Elementary school teacher Stanley Tom Mamela, 38, was charged this  
summer with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking  
under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and possession of crime  
proceeds under the Criminal Code.

Both charges date to Aug. 15 at or near Regina. The second charge  
alleges Mamela possessed $1,085 related to the drug charge, according  
to court documents.

"I can tell you the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation and the local  
Regina Public School Teachers' Association will provide every service  
that we can to that member," association president Ron Holloway said.

"He can access any of the services that we would provide to any of  
our members. That might include things such as counselling services  
and could also include legal services."

During his first court appearance, Mamela had the matters set over to  
Oct. 11.

Another man, 18-year-old Brady Simon Hashem, is also facing charges  
in connection with the same incident, according to a Crown prosecutor  
handling the file. Hashem is next scheduled to appear in court Oct. 17.

The Regina Public School Board dealt with the matter behind closed  
doors at its Sept. 19 meeting. However, the minutes of the board's  
decision are embargoed until the Oct. 3 meeting and a call to the  
board office was not returned.

School board policy states employees must pass a criminal record  
check prior to being hired and any charges laid against the employee  
after that time must be disclosed to the board within two working  
days. The board would then have a number of options available to deal  
with the situation.

An official with the school board said earlier this week if there is  
a safety issue, with either staff or students, normally the  
individual is taken out of the school, reassigned or sent home.

Noreen Faulconer, co-chairwoman of the school's parent-teacher  
council, said she doesn't know any more about the charges or what  
happened to the teacher than what she learned on Monday from  
reporters calling her at home for comment.

"I haven't heard anything officially from the school or the board  
office," Faulconer said Friday evening.

When advised that the teacher had been suspended from his duties  
pending the outcome of the charges, Faulconer replied: "That's good  
to hear."
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