Pubdate: Sat, 07 Oct 2006
Source: Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)
Copyright: 2006 Journal-Pioneer


MACCAN, N.S. - Officials with the Royal Canadian Legion have shut 
down a Nova Scotia branch after members used the local hall to 
promote the use of locally produced marijuana oil for cancer patients.

The legion's Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command temporarily suspended the 
charter of the Maccan branch and ousted its executive.

Provincial command chairman Steve Wessel said the legion name, 
insignia and buildings cannot be used to promote the use of illegal substances.

"The Royal Canadian Legion has a very good reputation in the general 
public and we don't want to soil that reputation by making it look 
like we're backing something that clearly is against the law at this 
point," Wessel said.

But one executive member said he's not backing down.

"This medicine is so phenomenal," Rick Dwyer of Maccan said. "I'm so 
proud of the members for standing up and defending this."

Dwyer, the 51-year-old past president of the Maccan branch, said the 
homemade marijuana oil is a safe, natural, cancer-curing substance.

He said his 82-year-old father has lung cancer and began consuming 
the oil in June after he was given 48 hours to live. He's still alive.
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