Pubdate: Thu, 12 Oct 2006
Source: Bolton News, The (UK)
Copyright: 2006 Newsquest Media Group - A Gannett Company
Author: Rob Devey


SENIOR policemen are meeting today with leaders of a Bolton community 
which claims it is living in fear of drug dealers and prostitutes.

The Haulgh Partnership requested the meeting at its Bradford Street 
office, with Chief Supt David Lea and Det Supt Dave Flitcroft.

Len Binns, chairman of the partnership's crime and safety group, 
said: "The community has had enough of the noise and violence that 
comes with this drug dealing which sometimes goes on in broad 
daylight. Someone even received a death threat after reporting the activities."

A resident was attacked on Hilden Street in July in what was thought 
to be a drugs-related incident.

Mr Binns said: "We have reports of small white packets of powder 
changing hands in areas like Hilden Street, Bromwich Street, Bradford 
Street and Castle Street but the police policy seems to be to go 
after the bigger drug dealers.

"We would like them to clamp down on smaller-scale dealers."

Residents believe drugs and prostitution are linked, and claim 
prostitutes attract the drug dealers. Cllr Sean Hornby, chairman of 
Bolton Council's prostitution policy development group, said: "People 
in the area want the sort of zero tolerance policy adopted in places 
like Middlesbrough and Newcastle.

"We will look at everything with an open mind."

Chief Supt Lea said: "We see the meeting as an opportunity to listen 
to any concerns raised by residents."
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