Pubdate: Mon, 16 Oct 2006
Source: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, CA)
Copyright: 2006 Los Angeles Newspaper Group
Author: Valerie Kuklenski, Staff Writer


Malibu's Passages Rehab Eschews 12-Step Programs

The gate buzzes and opens, revealing a secluded street  winding its 
way up a Malibu hillside marked by lavish  homes and lush landscapes.

Up one driveway, between the marble columns and carved  stone lions 
and just past the koi pond, is the front  door of what could be a 
palatial residence or a very  exclusive ocean-view resort.

But Passages is neither. It is a highly successful drug  and alcohol 
rehabilitation center, according to  proprietors Chris and Pax 
Prentiss, and possibly the  most expensive facility of its kind in the nation.

It's not just the high price $57,550 for 30 days of  intensive 
therapy and the reported 84 percent of its  clients overcoming their 
bad habits that distinguishes  this facility. It's that it claims that success

while flatly rejecting the widely accepted 12-step  model created by 
Alcoholics Anonymous.

As tabloid headlines announce this or that celebrity  returning to 
rehab after falling off the wagon, this  father and son are bringing 
clients through a system  they developed themselves, without 
professional  training but with the knowledge that comes from Chris 
who has a background in real-estate investing having  helped Pax 
overcome a long, life-threatening  dependency.

"Basically, I was hooked on heroin and cocaine and alcohol for 10 
years," said  Pax, who at 32 looks like he hasn't been sick a day in 
his life. "I've tried the 12-step program many times;  I've probably 
been to thousands of meetings.

"And it wasn't until my dad and I started looking for  underlying 
problems in my own life and found them and  started to work on 
healing those that I was able to get  sober and stay sober."

His grueling story of escalating drug use, being beaten  by dealers 
over unpaid debts, desperate fixes and,  ultimately, resolution and 
sobriety are recounted in a  chapter he wrote for Chris' book "The 
Alcoholism and  Addiction Cure: A Holistic Approach to Total 
Recovery."  The book also details their treatment approach and  their 
argument against 12-step programs as demoralizing  and too often 
hopeless endeavors.


Chris, now 70, stood by his son through his multiple  attempts to get clean.

"We went to meetings, we went to doctors, we went to  psychiatrists, 
psychologists, drug and alcohol  therapists, addiction specialists, 
rehab 90-day,  60-day, 30-day programs," Chris recalled from his 
second-floor office overlooking the Pacific.

"They were all ineffective. And they were not only  ineffective for 
Pax, they were ineffective for most of  the people in the program. 
They were relapsing. They'd  leave the program, two days later be back."

Passages is more than comfortable for its mostly  well-heeled 
patients. Among its three houses and three  guest houses, there is a 
tennis court, a pool, an  expansive lawn overlooking the ocean, a 
24/7 gym, surf  gear at the ready, and therapy rooms for massage and 
acupuncture that compare to those in any high-end day  spa. The 
residents' rooms could be in a nice hotel, and  a chef formerly with 
Spago prepares meals aimed at  pleasing sophisticated palates while 
healing often  malnourished bodies.

But all those creature comforts are in support of a  rigorous program 
of 20 hours per week per client of  one-on-one therapy aimed at 
getting to the reason he or  she turned to drugs or alcohol in the 
first place. (It  is all those specialists on staff 34 counselors for 
up  to 29 patients that requires the high fee.)

"There are only four causes of addiction and  alcoholism," Chris 
explained. "Chemical imbalance,  events of the past they haven't been 
able to cope with,  current conditions they haven't been able to deal 
with,  and things they believe that aren't true."

In Pax's case, it was a feeling that he couldn't  measure up to the 
expectations of a successful father  he adored.

During a recent visit, residents were in different  stages of 
recovery. One had a spring in his step and  clear eyes and greeted 
visitors warmly. Another slinked  out of a therapy room, her hair 
rumpled and her eyes  looking weary and clouded. But both would be 
expected  to attend the next graduation ceremony, a gathering in  the 
living room where nearly everyone sits on floor  cushions and a large 
brass gong is sounded while  incense wafts through the air.


Chris Prentiss says many addiction specialists denounce  his program 
as "snake oil." But Passages is part of a  trend toward downplaying 
12-step therapy, which  requires, in part, turning to God or a higher 
power,  and looking at the bigger picture of the addict's  overall health.

Psychotherapist and family counselor Steven M.  Orenstein worked in 
addiction treatment at Cedars-Sinai  Medical Center before opening 
New Seasons, a  residential treatment center in Port Hueneme, eight 
months ago. It uses 12-step and intensive one-on-one  therapy as well 
as brain mapping and neurocognitive  rehabilitation.

He says studies have shown that treatment facilities  working on the 
"mind-body-spirit package" have greater  success rates than more 
conventional methods.

New Seasons uses 12-step group sessions along with  personal 
counseling because Orenstein sees a benefit in  working out those 
issues with peers without a leader  dominating the discussion.

"It's not the perfect solution," he says of 12-step  programs. "Their 
success rates are low. But the people  that do participate in it tend 
to do well.

"The success rate of treatment overall is not  phenomenal, and we're 
still trying to work on that,"  Orenstein added. "I think taking an 
integrated approach  and trying to integrate the best of every type 
of modality that's offered out there is the best thing we  can do at 
this point."

Rachel Ballon, a marriage and family therapist whose  West Los 
Angeles practice includes addiction treatment,  says she refers her 
patients to 12-step programs  because she likes the personal 
accountability involved.

"Therapy alone and I've been a therapist for 26 years  can't stop 
people from being alcoholics, overeaters or  whatever the issue is," 
Ballon said. "I think the tools  of the 12-step program are 
wonderful, if they don't  become an addiction in themselves."

Twelve-step programs didn't break John Higholt's habit.  He had been 
on heroin for six years, and then abused  marijuana and OxyContin, 
scoring the pills from hospice  workers who stole leftover 
medications after their  patients died.

"That was my 16th treatment facility," said Higholt,  31, an L.A. 
resident and recent Passages graduate.  "Every other time was a guy 
in a big black robe who  told me I had to go. This time I went on my own."

A few sessions with the right therapists were  eye-opening for him. 
"I spent a long time in the victim  role," he said. "My mom committed 
suicide when I was 4,  and I went into an abusive boarding school.

"But I learned I am responsible for what happens now. I  was 
powerless over events in my childhood, but I have  no one to blame 
for what happens to me now but myself,"  Higholt said. "It was like 
getting hit over the head  with a hammer in a very good way."

He knows of a couple of individuals who attended  Passages with him 
who have relapsed, but he is looking  ahead with another graduate 
toward opening a  clean-and-sober recording studio and label.

The strongest testimonial probably comes from Pax,  whose idea it was 
to open Passages. Every Friday night,  while his old acquaintances 
likely are scrounging for  drugs, he is leading a group session in 
which he talks  frankly about his dark past.

"I was using heroin to cope with my problems. So once I  got my 
problems handled and healed, I no longer needed  the heroin," he said.

"I've been sober for six years, and I do not get  cravings. And I'm 
telling you, I tried to get sober for  10 years and I couldn't do it. 
And I used to struggle  with cravings on a day-in, day-out basis. It 
was like  white-knuckling it.

"Ten years of drugs. It was a long time," Pax said.

Added his dad, "I'll say it was."
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