Pubdate: Mon, 16 Oct 2006
Source: Evening Times (UK)
Copyright: 2006 Newsquest (Herald & Times) Limited


THE numbers of Scots claiming incapacity benefit for drink or drug 
addiction has doubled in the past eight years.

Shock new figures reveal more than 17,000 Scots trying to kick their 
habits are claiming the benefits ... roughly one in 20 of those who 
are too ill to work.

It comes as it's been revealed that hundreds of Scots addicts are 
waiting over a year for community or residential care, making it even 
harder for them to get back to work.

Health professionals said the figures show Scotland's substance 
misuse problem is worsening.

Phil Hanlon, professor of public health at Glasgow University said: 
"Up until 10 or 15 years ago Scotland had lower-than-European-average 
figures on alcohol-related health problems but we now have almost the 
highest rates in Europe.

"We need to do a lot more in relation to early intervention."

Scottish Tories justice spokeswoman Margaret Mitchell said: "Early 
intervention can only be effective if we know the people who are 
suffering and by ensuring there are sufficient resources in place to 
help rehabilitate them."

Jack Law of Alcohol Focus Scotland said: "People who misuse alcohol 
are more likely to have sickness absences and accidents at work.

"And those with a history of alcohol misuse are likely to change jobs 
more often and are more likely to be unemployed.

"This highlights the need to identify and treat problem drinking 
behaviour before it affects people's health and lifestyle beyond repair."

Incapacity benefit claimants receive UKP78.50 per week ... around 
UKP20 more than they would get from jobseeker's allowance.

The figures show 17,020 people were claiming incapacity benefit due 
to substance abuse compared with 8600 in 1997. Today, a total of 9170 
have alcohol addiction while 7850 have a drug problem.

However, the total number of Scots on incapacity benefit has dropped 
from 356,900 in 1997 to 312,000 last year.
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MAP posted-by: Elaine