Pubdate: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 Source: Hamilton Spectator (CN ON) Copyright: 2006 The Hamilton Spectator Contact: Details: Author: Dana Brown Bookmark: (date rape) LAW TARGETS DATE RAPE Bar Patron Could Carry Drink Into Hall, Restroom Kristin thinks someone slipped something into her drink but she's not sure. The 19-year-old McMaster student was at a bar in Toronto during the summer when she began feeling dizzy and blacked out after just one drink. "I have no other explanation for what happened," she said. "It's never happened to me before." It's not uncommon for women who have been slipped a drug to wonder if it's really happened to them. Even when they carry a drink all night - -- as Kristin did -- there's still the possibility of something being dropped in. Yesterday, the Ontario government proposed changes to the Liquor Licence Act, one of which will allow patrons to carry their drinks into hallways and washrooms in bars. The idea is that a drink kept in sight is a drink less likely to be tampered with. Krista Warnke, public education co-ordinator for the Sexual Assault Centre, said the step is a move in the right direction, as long as people don't begin thinking they ultimately have control over whether or not they're drugged. "My initial thought is that whatever additional options we give women is good." The symptoms of being drugged, which can include dizziness, fatigue, slurred speech, trouble walking and sometimes memory loss, can make it difficult for victims to tell if something's happened to them. Many just have a gut instinct something's wrong, Warnke said. In addition to being slipped much-publicized drugs such as ketamine and gammahydroxybutyrate (GHB), victims are also being hit with stuff straight out of the medicine cabinet, such as Gravol and cough syrup. In combination with alcohol, the every-day medications can impair a person's judgment and make them susceptible to an assault. Kristin was lucky. After she blacked out, she left the bar with a friend and got home safely. But the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care Centre in Hamilton says the number of reported drug-facilitated sexual assaults has been on the rise. In 2004, 18 per cent of the centre's clients said they were victims of drug-facilitated sexual assaults. In 2005, that number rose to 24 per cent. So far this year, 20 per cent of the centre's clients have reported a sexual assault facilitated by drugs. Rape drugs 101 Main drugs: Ketamine or "Special K"; Gammahydroxybutyrate or GHB or "Liquid Ecstasy"; Rohypnol or "roofies" (not legal in Canada); Ecstasy or MDMA Effects: The drugs affect the central nervous system, but the way they affect an individual depends on several factors. Those include age, body size, the amount of food eaten that day and the amount of the drug taken. Symptoms: They vary with each drug, but can include fatigue, dizziness, loss of motion control, unconsciousness and memory loss. Protecting yourself: Always keep an eye on your drink, notice when a friend is acting strange, and have a plan to get home or to get help if needed. - --- MAP posted-by: Derek