Pubdate: Wed, 18 Oct 2006
Source: Independent  (UK)
Copyright: 2006 Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.
Author: Kim Sengupta


The commander of the British forces returning from Helmand said that 
his forces were having to make up for the time lost by the decision 
of the US and UK to invade Iraq instead of concentrating on 
post-Taliban Afghanistan.

"We could have carried on in 2002 in the same way we have gone about 
business now," said Brigadier Ed Butler. "Have the interim four years 
made a difference? I think realistically they have. It doesn't mean 
that we will not achieve what we set out to do."

Stressing that he was speaking from a strictly UK perspective, and 
not for the international community, Brigadier Butler added: "So have 
we slipped back? I don't think we have slipped back, we may have 
marked time and I think we are starting to make up for that time."

Brigadier Butler continued that an international presence may be 
required in Afghanistan for the next 20 years, but he did not specify 
how long the British forces would have to remain.

Brigadier Butler, who heads the 3 Para Battle Group, has just handed 
over command in Afghanistan. He disclosed that his troops had come 
close to running out of supplies ."It got pretty close. We never 
actually ran out but that was the nature of the conflict. The guys 
were not starving but people were down to their belt rations," he said.

"I think we might have been surprised on occasion how persistent the 
attacks were and how enduring the scale of the operation was. I think 
some may have underestimated the tenacity and ferocity of the Taliban."

The Brigadier's comments came as the UN Office on Drugs and Crime 
called for Western troops in Afghanistan to attack opium traders, 
saying the drugs situation there is "out of control".

Opium cultivation rose by 59 per cent this year, according to the 
UN's figures, to an all-time record of 165,000 hectares.

That leaves a country that is practically run by the West supplying 
92 per cent of the world's opium - much of which ends up as heroin.

The UN agency's remarks are stark news for Britain, which at one time 
was in charge of reducing opium production in Afghanistan.

Around 90 per cent of heroin on British streets comes from Afghanistan.

In the same period of time, opium cultivation in south-east Asia's 
"Golden Triangle" of Burma, Laos and Thailand, the other major 
source, fell by 29 per cent.

"You can say that Afghanistan is pretty much out of control," Preeta 
Bannerjee, a spokeswoman for UNODC said. "Afghanistan is 
practically... supplying the world's opium. There's also evidence 
that the country is increasingly hooked on its own opium."

The UN agency is calling for Nato troops and their Afghan allies to 
attack heroin labs, opium markets and convoys transporting the drug, 
Ms Bannerjee said yesterday.

But the agency's warning will come as a surprise to no one in 
Afghanistan, where Western troops already know the opium trade is out 
of control.

Around 2.9m Afghans are involved in growing opium - 12.6 per cent of 
the total population - according to the UN's own figures.

Most of those are farmers who scrape only a subsistence living from 
the opium crop. The majority of the $3bn revenue from the opium 
industry goes to the warlords who still control it - and to the 
Taliban, according to UNODC.

The agency warned yesterday that the Taliban are funding their 
campaign against British and other Nato troops from the opium trade, 
buying raw opium from farmers and selling it on at a profit.
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MAP posted-by: Elaine