Pubdate: Thu, 19 Oct 2006
Source: Daily Citizen (WI)
Copyright: 2006 Conley Publishing Group, Ltd.


HORICON - Red Ribbon Week will be celebrated next week with three 
days of special activities at Van Brunt Elementary and Middle School.

On Monday, students are asked to wear as much red as possible to 
school. They will also be watching skits performed by the middle 
school drama team.

On Tuesday, students are asked to wear bright colors. Michael McGowen 
will speak to the elementary and middle school children. McGowan 
presents numerous assemblies to school children every year. The 
presentations are tailored to fit the individual school and grade 
level. The primary focus is helping children to value their 
differences and strengths. The grade school presentations focus on 
reinforcing good decision making and encouraging children to use 
their communication and networking skills to make positive 
friendships. In middle school, the presentations focus on the 
feelings they have about themselves and how they use a variety of 
coping mechanisms as well as how they treat each other.

In both presentations, McGowan will address creating a positive 
school culture, free of bullying and harassment. He challenges the 
students to develop their full potential.

The week's finale will be on Wednesday with the day's theme of team 
up against drugs. Students are to wear apparel from their favorite 
sports teams.

October is drug and alcohol awareness month.

The first Red Ribbon Celebration was organized in 1986 by a 
grassroots organization of parents concerned about the destruction 
caused by alcohol and drug abuse.

The red ribbon was adopted as a symbol of the movement in honor of 
Enrique "Kiki" Camarena, an agent with the U.S. Drug Enforcement 
Administration who was kidnapped and killed while investigating drug 

The campaign has reached millions of children and has been recognized 
by the U.S. Congress. Red Ribbon Week is a chance to be visible and 
vocal in our desire for a drug-free community.

Research shows that children are less likely to use alcohol and other 
drugs when parents and other role models are clear and consistent in 
their opposition to substance use and abuse.
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MAP posted-by: Elaine