Pubdate: Thu, 19 Oct 2006
Source: Bethel Journal (OH)
Copyright: 2006 Bethel Journal


CLERMONT COUNTY -- The Clermont County commissioners proclaimed the 
week of Oct. 22 as Red Ribbon Week in Clermont County. The week, part 
of a nationwide observance, is designed to increase awareness about drug abuse.

"On Thursday, Oct. 19, there will be a Red Ribbon Week kick off at 
the Red Barn Market in Batavia," said Commissioner Bob Proud, who 
also serves as a member of the Clermont County Drug-Free Coalition. 
"We invite everyone to come to the kick-off at 6:30 p.m. to support 
our youth and encourage them to make positive choices in their lives."

The Red Ribbon Week kick-off is sponsored by the Clermont Drug-Free 
Coalition and will include a presentation from Staff Sgt. Paul 
Brondhaver, a local Purple Heart recipient. A puppet show, various 
demonstrations, informational booths and free pizza also will be 
available. Additional information about the event is available by 
calling the Mental Health and Recovery Board at 732-5400.

"We want to collectively support a drug free initiative for all of 
our students so they can lead a productive life in our community," 
said John Kies, associate director of the Clermont County Mental 
Health and Recovery Board.

The Red Ribbon campaign was launched nationwide, after drug 
traffickers in Mexico City murdered Kiki Camarena, an agent with the 
Drug Enforcement Agency in 1985. This began the continuing tradition 
of displaying red ribbons as a symbol of intolerance towards the use 
of drugs. The mission of the campaign is to present a unified and 
visible commitment toward the creation of a drug free America.
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