Pubdate: Wed, 18 Oct 2006
Source: Robson Valley Times (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 Miro International Pty Ltd.
Author: Andru Mccracken


Dorit Perlin wants every parent in Valemount to take a course on drug 
proofing their kids. Perlin is the Child and Youth Mental Health 
Councillor of Valemount and McBride.

She knows the statistics about drug use in Valemount. She also knows 
how parents tend to be unaware of the exposure their children receive 
to drugs. "Drug proof your kids is a program that was developed in 
Australia and has been so successful there that a Canadian 
organization decided to fund it here," said Perlin.

The program is known to be most effective with younger kids, but she 
encourages parents with teenagers to attend as well.

"If you are a parent and drug proofing your kid is something that 
you've thought about, no matter what age your kid is, this is a relevant tool."

Perlin has been working with children and youth for 13 years and has 
been a parent for 5 years. She learned tools and tricks that she 
didn't have with this she could use immediately with her child.

"This workshop offers tricks that help parents influence their 
children's lives," she said. "I don't know a single parent who 
doesn't want to influence their children's life."

"Even if drug use is a part of your family's life, this program has 
great tools for parenting."

"On the first day of mytraining we did an exercise to show us how 
well we know our kids. We loved the exercise and the conversation 
that occurred," she said. "It really works."

The program has statistics for Canada, British Columbia and Valemount.

"Drugs are a part of our life and a part of our kids' lives," she said.

Perlin said that all most all children raise their hand when asked if 
they have been exposed to drugs, but when parents of those kids are 
asked if their children have been exposed to drugs, few raise their hands.

"It is a reality for our children. Parents need to have support to 
deal with it," she said. "We all need to know how to address this."

She said that there is a prevention, intervention and relapse 
prevention aspect to the program.

"When parents don't act on the reality of their children's lives, 
that is when their children's lives get out of control," she said.

"This program doesn't guarantee that kids will not be exposed to 
drugs, but it will give you concrete tools to help your children make 
healthy choices."

The first meeting is tentatively set for November 6 at the meeting 
room in the Valemount Arena. For more info call Dorit Perlin at 566-9107.

"This is an opportunity for everyone in the valley to learn tricks 
that will help them influence their children's choices," she said.
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