Pubdate: Tue, 24 Oct 2006
Source: Daily News Transcript (Needham, MA)
Copyright: 2006 Daily News Transcript
Author: Sean Murphy, Daily News Staff


Parents might not guess an empty soda can with holes punched in it 
could be a pipe for smoking marijuana, but after a series of seminars 
slated for next month, they will be able to spot these and other 
telltale warning signs of a child with a drug problem, according to 
Dedham Police Officer Richard Huyler.

The "Citizens Drug Recognition Academy" is a free program for parents 
running on Nov. 2, 9, 16, and 30 from 7-9 p.m. at the Dedham Middle 
School auditorium. Huyler said the program will teach participants 
how to recognize different types of drugs and drug paraphernalia, and 
how drugs affect behavior in kids.

"I'm hoping that parents learn what to look for in their children," 
Huyler said yesterday.

The program will also teach parents what to do if they suspect drug 
abuse, and what resources are available for help in the community, Huyler said.

The program is sponsored by Dedham Police, and will feature 
multimedia presentations.

"The presentations will include how to talk to our kids about drugs, 
how to reduce the risk of prescription drug abuse and resources for 
parents," said the program's creator, Marilyn Belmonte, a drug 
recognition instructor at the Middlesex County Sheriff's Department.

Huyler said an important goal of the program is to teach parents to 
see drug abuse indicators early, before an addiction gets out of control.

"Unfortunately, sometimes the parents are the last ones to know," Huyler said.

Parents with questions about the program can call Gail Kelley, Dedham 
Schools Nurse Leader at 781-320-8923.
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