Pubdate: Tue, 31 Oct 2006
Source: Daily Kent Stater (OH Edu)
Copyright: 2006 The Daily Kent Stater
Author: Christopher Taylor
Note: The author is a senior nursing major and point/counterpoint
columnist for the Daily Kent Stater.


There is indeed terrorism in America. It is right here on the streets 
of America -- our citizens' drug consumption is a terrorist threat.

So while we continue to beat the dead horse known as Iraq, the Bush 
administration has done little to protect our children from drug 
abuse other than throwing money at faith-based organizations.

This is not good enough.

Domestically speaking, I have been so very disappointed in the 
response taken to a drug that has reaped havoc on minority 
populations, particular men who have sex with men. Once called the 
"gay drug," crystal meth has become an astronomical epidemic for a 
community that has been fighting the idea that AIDS is a gay disease. 
And now this: The Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS report correlates increased 
meth use with the jump in HIV/AIDS transmission by 18 percent since 1999.

Be aware: Meth, or whatever readers prefer to call it, is not a gay 
problem. The Center for American Progress Action fund, a progressive 
think tank, indicated on its Web site that in 1999, there were 912 
reported meth lab seizures. Over the course of last year, there were 
16,000. I will venture to say by enforcing laws rather than 
emphasizing education, the Bush administration is ignoring a 
dangerous terrorist threat.

It has come to the point where the laws are just not working, and it 
is the responsibility of the community to "just say no" to allowing 
dangerous poisons to be in possession of good, upstanding Americans.

I understand that different drugs have different effects, posing a 
big problem with how our nation should combat drugs on a broad scale. 
Generally, a couple of college kids smoking pot and getting the 
munchies does not pose a large threat to society. But meth use, 
heroin and other toxins are ruining people's lives every single day, 
and the community has to stand up and say, "Not me and not my children."

It all starts with education. Residents in impoverished areas across 
the country must be educated about the problems. Due to the 
government's failure, we the people must take the initiative to 
protect our livelihood, our aspirations and our dreams.

People make the argument that drug use is predominantly a matter of 
choice. We all understand it is a choice. Now let's talk about ways 
to inform the drug users that their choices can kill anything good in 
their lives.

I don't accept the idea that people keeping crack pipes to themselves 
isn't hurting anybody. They are hurting people who care about them 
and are obviously not able to make decisions in order to seek help, 
even when they need it. It is society's obligation to help the people.

For years, the United States has fought a drug war with other nations 
that have attempted to shove a variety of party favors, including, 
but certainly not limited to, ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana and heroin, 
down Americans' throats. And now it is time to say that the United 
States has had enough. Our children are the ones being targeted, and 
that is, quite simply, unacceptable.

We do need laws pertaining to stopping drug trafficking, and we 
absolutely need enforcers of the those laws to do their jobs. But 
most importantly, without education we won't be able to beat the epidemic.

Christopher Taylor is a senior nursing major and point/counterpoint 
columnist for the Daily Kent Stater.
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