Pubdate: Wed, 01 Nov 2006
Source: Daily Campus, The (Southern Methodist U, TX Edu)
Copyright: 2006 Student Media Company Inc.
Author: Julie Ross
Note: Julie Ross is a sophomore Psychology and Studio Arts Major.
Referenced: Brandon Conaway's OPED
Bookmark: (Higher Education Act)
Bookmark: (Students - United States)
Bookmark: (Marijuana)


It's high time we halt the relentless discrimination against 
individuals convicted of drug-related crimes.

I recently learned of a ban on federal financial aid for students 
with drug convictions. Under this ban even a single, minor drug 
charge or violation (including possession of drug paraphernalia) will 
prevent a student from receiving financial aid for college. In other 
words, that funky Phish bong you picked up at Pipe Dream could cost 
you more than just retail.

As the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) notes, "This means that 
if your parents can afford to pay for college, you will be unaffected 
by this measure. But for low or middle income students, this 
misguided provision could mean the end of a college education and all 
of the advantages it offers."

So, if you've got college costs covered, why should you care?

First of all, this ban unjustly continues to penalize students with 
drug convictions, even after their debt to society has been paid. By 
preventing students convicted for drug offenses from receiving 
financial aid for education, it's as if our government has added to 
their sentence. The condemnation of these students to a bleak future, 
devoid of intellectual growth and employment opportunities afforded 
by college education, is essentially cruel and unusual punishment.

Second, this ban is discriminatory and counter-productive to its 
intended purpose. As Brandon Conaway, a writer for the Northern Iowan 
(a student paper published by the University of Northern Iowa, cited 
from Vol. 103, No. 14), argues:

"It may seem justified that breaking the law can result in a loss of 
federal aid. However, the law only applies to drug convictions. This 
means that a convicted murderer or rapist can still get financial 
aid, while someone convicted of misdemeanor possession of marijuana 
cannot. There is also no conclusive proof that the provision deters 
drug use - the major reason the provision was implemented in the first place."

The only conclusion that can be made about this ban is that it will 
do more to harm society, than it does to improve it. As The ACLU 
remarks; "In essence, this provision does nothing to help 
disadvantaged students struggling with substance abuse problems, but 
it does block access to education for those who are already at risk 
of being shoved to society's margins. [Furthermore,] it will have a 
racially discriminatory impact. Drug enforcement already focuses 
heavily on minority communities. Recent Department of Justice 
statistics show that African Americans make up 12 percent of the 
population and 13 percent of drug offenders, but represent more and 
more then 70 percent of incarcerations for drug possession. Hispanics 
are overrepresented as well. More than half of all federal powder 
cocaine prosecutions are against Hispanics, even though they do not 
use drugs at a greater rate than their population (approximately 10 percent).

Blocking access to education is counter-productive. If students are 
experimenting with drugs, forcing them to drop out of college will 
only make it harder for them to become successful, productive members 
of society."

If higher education and the subsequent promise of increased 
employment opportunities are not options for someone with a prior 
drug conviction, what alternatives can we suggest?

At the crux of this legislation is a grave misunderstanding about the 
causes and treatment of drug addiction. The majority of American 
society views drug addiction as a moral issue rather than a chronic 
mental illness that often requires lifelong treatment. The fact is 
that for most chronic drug abusers who are unable to stay "clean," 
the path of addiction usually leads to prison, confinement to 
institutions, or death.

Those who serve time for drug offenses discover that once they are 
out of prison, the stigma associated with drug convictions makes life 
difficult. Incidentally, recovering addicts find trouble acquiring 
adequate employment and are afforded little choice but to enter the 
welfare system. To make matters worse, many non-violent drug 
offenders facing incarceration have no, or else strained, family 
relations and social support. As a result, children (the innocent 
victims) of drug addicts often wind up in the custody of Child 
Protection Services (CPS). Therefore, the unintentional result of 
this ban is a burden to American taxpayers, the prison system, and the economy.

Defending the rights of these members of society is an important 
issue for me. Through my volunteer work, I have become acquainted 
with those at greatest risk for being victimized by this provision. 
Two years ago, while working as an Art Therapy volunteer, I was 
introduced to low-income women in a drug & alcohol detox facility. 
Many of the treatment center's clients (women of all ages) arrive in 
poor physical health, with no material possessions left, and no place 
to live. Despite their difficult financial and emotional 
circumstances, these women fearlessly struggle to stay clean and 
rebuild their future.

Upon witnessing their return to health, I have developed a deep 
respect and sympathy for people battling addiction. The women in 
recovery whom I have met understand that higher education and better 
employment is the gateway to a better life for both themselves and 
their children. Thus, it is inexcusable to permit a ban that robs any 
American citizen (whether they suffer from addiction or not) the 
opportunity to pursue the noble goal of higher learning.

My parents (both devout Christian Protestants) have a familiar 
religious phrase they like to recite. It serves as a reminder that we 
are not so different (or any better) than our fellows:

"There, but for the Grace of God, go I..."

As college students and fellow citizens, we cannot sit by and permit 
our government to deny the betterment of these, or any individual, 
the opportunity for an education, regardless of his or her past 
indiscretions. We should do all we can to provide each other with an 
equal opportunity to learn and grow: both in terms of increased 
tolerance and understanding of addiction, and in terms of continued 
academic learning.

Take Action! Urge your Representatives to Reform the Higher Education Act!

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