Pubdate: Wed, 01 Nov 2006
Source: Standard, The (FL)
Copyright: 2006 Baker County Standard, Inc.
Author: Sheriff Dobie Conner


Last Week Was a Very Special Week for All Law Enforcement and Our 
Fight Against the Flow of Illegal Drugs into Our Country.

Each year we have our red ribbon week in recognition of a federal 
agent who was tortured and killed. The agent was working under cover 
on a large drug artel that was shipping illegal drugs into our 
country. The drug cartel found our who he was and as a result of his 
knowledge of their illegal activity they killed him.

The red ribbon week was started to recognize the agents and also a 
special time set aside to visit our schools in an effort to keep our 
kids off of illegal drugs. We focus on our grammar school kids who 
are at the age in life that we may be successful in teaching them not 
to use illegal drugs. We need to teach them the dangers of using illegal drugs.

We had a helicopter from the state of Georgia drug RAID unit. The 
helicopter and pilot are assigned to fight the battle on illegal 
drugs. The pilot explained to the kids about his duties and the type 
of work he does. The kids got a close look at the helicopter.

We also had 13 K-9 units from Florida and Georgia law enforcement 
agencies. These dogs are specially trained to sniff our illegal 
drugs. The students were shown the obedience training results for 
each dog as well as the special training the dogs have to protect 
their handler and partner. The students also got to see how the dogs 
are trained to catch a person who is fleeing from the police.

Another drug program they I feel is very important and helpful to our 
kids is our DARE program. This program has been in place for many 
years. This program was supported with funds form the state 
government. Those funds were stopped about 2 years ago because of the 
cost. The powers to be think it is not worth the effort or the 
expense. A new program was started by the Georgia Sheriff's 
Association because we felt that the DARE program was well worth the 
time and expense. Each Georgia county now has their own DARE officer 
and program. Sgt. Joey Chancey is our county DARE officer. Sgt. 
Chancey has completed the DARE program guidelines and is in his 
second year of teaching the 5th grades about the dangers of illegal 
drugs and how to stay drug free.

Our Charlton County commissioners support the DARE program. Our 
teachers in each school also support the DARE program. Each school 
always supports our red ribbon week by letting us come into their 
school and are always ready and willing to assist in any way they 
can. A number of local people and businesses make donations for each 
program each year. Without all of everyone's help these programs 
would not be successful.

Last Thursday after we had visited our schools with the drug dogs, we 
held a drivers license and safety check on U.S. 1 South of Folkston. 
As a result of the check 14 people were arrested for drug violations. 
Those arrested were; [remainder of article redacted]
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MAP posted-by: Elaine