Pubdate: Wed, 08 Nov 2006
Source: Cape Breton Post (CN NS)
Copyright: 2006 Cape Breton Post


SYDNEY - One of the community's leading organizations on drug 
prevention held its third public meeting Tuesday.

The Community Partnership on Drug Abuse was formed in 2004 to address 
the harmful impact of drug abuse in the community using interventions 
based on evidence and research.

Jane Lewis, chair of the partnership steering committee, said the 
latest meeting addressed the group's public accountability strategy.

It featured her report on progress, followed by an enforcement 
perspective from Chief Edgar MacLeod of the Cape Breton Regional 
Police Service; and treatment options from Everett Harris of 
Addiction Services.

The floor was then opened up to feedback and suggestions.

Lewis said this format often provides a valuable idea or two the 
group can act upon.

"I'm not sure if it was a new one but I think it resonated a bit, was 
the whole idea of community responsibility and community engagement 
and people going home and getting others involved," she said about a 
suggestion from the meeting that was heartily supported by more than 
20 community members in attendance.

"Certainly there was a big pitch tonight to help support this group 
and its efforts to continue, so I think those things came out of this meeting."

 From Tuesday's meeting the partnership will continue its work within 
the community and attempt to ensure sustainability.
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MAP posted-by: Elaine