Pubdate: Fri, 10 Nov 2006
Source: Morning Star, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 The Morning Star
Author: Jennifer Dyck


Whether a student is smoking marijuana on a regular basis or turning 
to cocaine for an increased high, drug abuse is dealt with regularly 
in North Okanagan schools.

And it's not just drugs, but often a combination of drug and alcohol 
use that some students are involved in, said Doug Rogers, Vernon 
School District substance abuse prevention counsellor.

While the schools try to do their part in educating all students 
about drugs and alcohol, sometimes it's not enough.

So to help spread the education even further into society a free 
Substance Abuse Awareness Series for the public is beginning Tuesday 
at Vernon Secondary at 7 p.m.

"The way to get rid of it and reduce it is to educate," said Rogers.

The series is open to the public but Rogers particularly encourages 
parents to attend as they are the ones who are with their children 
the majority of the time and can have a huge impact on the decisions 
their kids make.

"What a lot of people don't realize is we (the schools) only have the 
kids nine per cent of the time, 91 per cent of the time they're with you."

As educators in the home, Rogers reminds that parents themselves 
should be educated with up-to-date information, instead of some of 
the dated information about drugs and alcohol they learned back when 
they were in school.

The presentations will also be a place people can seek help, whether 
for their children or themselves.

To help update the public, Dr. Chris Cunningham, emergency room 
physician and president of Vernon Jubilee Hospital medical staff, 
will be speaking on some of the general aspects of drug use Tuesday.

"I will give a perspective from my experience as an emergency 
physician treating those patients presenting to the ER department," 
said Cunningham, who may also share experiences of cases.

Although he is a busy man, Cunningham is volunteering his time for the series.

"This is important to me, as a parent and a physician. I believe it 
is important to educate parents and adolescents of the negative 
aspects of drug use in our community."

Continuing the series at a later date, Betty Keding, concurrent 
disorders therapist with the Interior Health Authority, will be 
speaking at Charles Bloom Secondary.

Keding will be sharing information on how mental illness can be 
related to substance abuse and vice versa.

"It's hard to tell whether it's mental illness that's first, for 
example someone who starts drinking to control their illness, or 
whether someone started smoking pot and bipolar kicked in," said Keding.

Const. Brian Evans with the Vernon RCMP drug task force will also be 
speaking for the third part of the Substance Abuse Awareness Series.

For more information contact Rogers at 549-6179.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman