Pubdate: Thu, 23 Nov 2006
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 The Province
Author: Nicholas Quarmby


So much for the warm and fuzzy approach to the homeless and drug  
abusers taken by Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan and his bunch.

It simply doesn't work. So forget the ridiculous, four-pillar  
approach envisioned by inept and over-employed social engineers.

The solution isn't complicated.

Take anyone mentally and physically able and transport them to a  
waiting job in the oil patch.

Clean up the drug addicts by force and then send them to a camp job too.

Many of these people cannot make a rational decision for themselves,  
and it is our responsibility to help and protect them, even from  

As for the mentally and physically disabled, give them proper care  
and housing.

Many of the homeless and drug abusers would be happy if given a  
legitimate chance to change their lives, instead of all the test  
programs and half measures that they are now subject to.

Nicholas Quarmby, Vancouver
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