Pubdate: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Copyright: 2006 Houston Chronicle Publishing Company Division, Hearst Newspaper Contact: Details: Author: Gabriel M. Gelb DRUG COURTS WORK SENDING nonviolent drug offenders to state jail for six months to two years further ruins the lives of drug addicts arrested for simple possession. The Chronicle's Nov. 21 editorial was aptly titled "Smarter on crime." Two years ago, the state of New York reported saving $254 million by sending these individuals to drug courts instead of to jail. Harris County has established three drug courts, led by Judge Caprice Cosper. They are performing admirably but lack funds for treatment. That's why the Harris County Drug Court Foundation was started up to address this moral issue. Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston is helping us reach out to the faith community to help support the drug courts. Selected offenders are receiving three months of residential treatment followed by transitional help. Those Houstonians who are interested in helping to solve what is really a public health issue =AD not a criminal justice issue =AD may contact us. GABRIEL M. GELB Treasurer Harris County Drug Court Foundation Houston - --- MAP posted-by: Steve Heath