Pubdate: Fri, 01 Dec 2006 Source: Seaway News (CN ON) Copyright: 2005 J.G.F. Holdings Co. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Kevin Parkinson Referenced: STUDENTS BUYING POT IN SCHOOLYARDS Dear Editor, I just read Arthur Black's light-hearted article called "This Country is Going to Pot," in the Seaway News. Black reminisces about the history of marijuana in Canada over the past 50 years or so. He's right about the paranoia that has been perpetuated for so long over the use of pot, including preposterous assertions that pot use causes insanity, devil worship and leads users to outright murder. This brainwashing worked for a while but now the cat is out of the bag forever. Like alcohol, tobacco and certain prescription drugs, marijuana creates a certain euphoria for the user and over time, a dependence can be built up. However, research shows the dependence to be more psychological than physical, unlike the killer dependence of say, heroin or cocaine use. When school children are smoking up regularly before or at school, we have to recognize the problem for what it is. These children feel such a sense of alienation from society, a sense of not belonging, that they are looking for a mood change and an escape from reality. And the marijuana provides that. This is not a new phenomenon but it is cause for concern nevertheless. In the '70s, many high school students weaved their way up and down hallways, half-stoned and glassy-eyed. Unfortunately, regular use of any drug can lead to dependence, and the emotional development of these children is halted. A child using marijuana regularly is on a collision course and intervention is urgently needed. The same thing could be said with alcohol use. Start feeding alcoholic drinks on a regular basis to a 12-yearold, and dependence will eventually set in. However, at least alcohol is regulated which makes it a bit more difficult to obtain. I don't think alcohol sales are big business in schoolyards. Canada needs to regulate the use and possession of marijuana, just like it does with alcohol, tobacco and prescription drugs. That would take marijuana off the streets, out of the playground, and behind a licenced counter where it can be controlled for quality and price, and the bonus is that government gets to tax it. What is opening up the debate is that marijuana is finally being recognized for the healing properties it has always had. Marijuana is used to prevent pain, combat Alzheimer's and reduce nausea in terminally ill patients. These healing properties include relieving stress. We need to take a look at countries like Holland, which has decriminalized possession and has made marijuana available in the marketplace. We need a new solution for the 21st century--one that will work. Criminalizing students for smoking pot is not going to get us anywhere, except to tie up the courts and the justice system. Kevin Parkinson, Cornwall - --- MAP posted-by: Derek