Pubdate: Wed, 06 Dec 2006
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2006, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Tom Godfrey, Toronto Sun


Police Say Teens Recruited on Dating Site Smuggled Khat Into Canada

Drug lords are trawling Internet dating sites searching for young 
women whom they meet and lure into smuggling, police say.

The RCMP said the new recruiting trend surfaced last week with the 
arrest of two northern Ontario teens who were contacted on the web.

"This is the first case we've seen of online dating that has led to 
drug smuggling," Sgt. Frank Gougeon said.

A 19-year-old was contacted on an adult site last September, Gougeon 
said, that led to several meetings, in which a man was introduced to 
the teen's 18-year-old friend.

"Women have to be careful of whom they meet on the Internet," he said.

"We believe there are other victims out there."

The scheme came to light last week when the teens were arrested at 
Pearson airport for allegedly bringing into Canada 45 kilos of khat, 
worth about $250,000.

The teens were given $500, airline tickets and a week's vacation in London.

In exchange, they brought back two suitcases, police said.

Pearson drug cops said they're making several khat busts weekly and 
last year 14 metric tonnes of the east African drug was seized.

"There is big money in smuggling khat," Gougeon said.

The bark-like substance, which has a shelf life of about 36 hours, 
produces a high when chewed.

A man, 30, has been charged with conspiracy to import khat.

He was released on bail and will return to Brampton court next week.

The teens, whose names weren't released, were charged with importing 
a controlled substance.
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