Pubdate: Sat, 09 Dec 2006
Source: Cowichan News Leader (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 Cowichan News Leader
Author: Mike D'Amour
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


It's a law ... wait, no it isn't, but it will be soon.

A new law -- the so-called grow-up bylaw that makes it compulsory for 
landlords to inspect their property at least once every two months -- 
adopted Wednesday by North Cowichan's municipal council will soon be 
rescinded, said Mark Ruttan, director of administration for the municipality.

"I will suggest to council at the next meeting they rescind the 
adoption to give us a chance to file a copy of it to the Ministry of 
Health," he said.

That was a requirement that was overlooked before council adopted the bylaw.

"We have to file a copy with the ministry before we adopt the bylaw 
or it would leave it open to challenges," Ruttan said.

That's because marijuana grow-operations typically leave health 
hazards, such as black mould, behind.

Not to mention plumbing, electrical wiring and other components that 
get changed when a grow-op owner moves in.

"If a home is used for a grow op and renters move in, it may not be 
clean," Ruttan said.

Part of the grow-up bylaw states those kinds of homes must be cleaned 
and inspected before new people can move in.

The bylaw received no opposition from residential property owners.

However, under the community charter, council has a duty to consult 
with businesses affected by the bylaw.

Those opposed to the bylaw will have a chance to voice their opinion 
at the Jan. 23 regular council meeting.

So, for now, the bylaw will be rescinded and will go back to third 
reading status.

Ruttan said the law will most probably take effect -- again -- in the new year.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman