Pubdate: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 Source: Surrey Leader (CN BC) Copyright: 2006 Surrey Leader Contact: Details: Referenced: Author: Greg Francisco DRUG POLICY TO BLAME FOR HOME INVASION Re: "Invaders storm the wrong house," The Leader, Dec. 1. It's hard to decide which "wrong house" raid is the greater cause for alarm - home invaders intent on stealing marijuana or ninja-clad drug warriors intent on arresting marijuana users. Either way, law-abiding citizens can end up seriously injured, or dead. All over a common weed less harmful than alcohol, tobacco, caffeine or even aspirin. More people die in a single year from botched drug raids and home invasions than have died in all recorded history from actually using marijuana. By a factor of dozens to zero. Marijuana prohibition is the cure that is worse than the disease. Legalize, regulate, tax, control. For the safety of law-abiding households. Greg Francisco Educators for Sensible Drug Policy - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake