Pubdate: Tue, 19 Dec 2006
Source: Daily Independent (Ridgecrest, CA)
Copyright: 2006 The Daily Independent
Author: John V. Ciani, Staff Reporter


Epicurean Delights, a local medical-marijuana  dispensary located on 
West Ridgecrest Boulevard, closed  its doors, but the circumstances 
of the closing are  unclear. The business opened its doors in July.

The closure comes at a time when the Ridgecrest City  Council is 
considering an ordinance regulating the  operation of such facilities.

Some believed the facility was closed as a result of  action by the 
federal Drug Enforcement Agency.

DEA Public Information Officer Special Agent Casey  McEnry said the 
federal agency did not conduct an  enforcement operation at that location.

"We have not been able to identify any federal agency  involved with 
the medical-marijuana dispensary," said  Ridgecrest Police Chief Mike 
Avery. "Other information  I have obtained suggests that DEA was not involved."

Epicurean Delights Manager Nick Hall said he closed the  dispensary 
pending council action on the proposed  ordinance, adding that the 
DEA was not involved in the  closure of the facility.

"Because there is no ordinance and because there's so  many people 
who don't want us here right now, I just  closed up," he said. "If 
the city passes an ordinance,  I'll reopen it. If they don't, it's 
going to stay  closed. It's something the community really needs."

Hall said if the council passes the ordinance, he will  open a 
dispensary under his own name.

Compliance Officer Don Blakemore also withdrew his  support of the 
medical-marijuana dispensary.

In a letter to the council, he stated that he withdrew  his support 
citing Avery's concerns about possible  impacts on his department.

"I do not wish to oppose him in this matter," Blakemore  stated. "My 
every effort has been to make this process  as easy as possible for 
everyone. We found an untenable  situation, and for a time we did 
create, I think, a  near-ideal model for a dispensary despite the odd 
architecture and the horrible name."

He said if the council wishes to go forward with the  ordinance, the 
proposal should contain a one-year  sunset clause with a provision 
for renewal based on  council consensus.

Blakemore also recommended an  iimmediate-termination-of-permit 
clause if a violent  crime occurs and a suspension-of-permit clause 
after three police responses for nonviolent crimes or  complaints 
pending the police chief's review. He also  recommended a limit on 
the amount of product and cash  that can be kept on the premises.

The council, at its Dec. 6 meeting, voted to table the  proposed 
ordinance so members can review a 55-page  report from the California 
Police Chiefs Association.

The document from the California Police Chiefs  Association talked 
the secondary effects of  medical-marijuana dispensaries in their 
communities. It  included two incidents in Kern County and 
Bakersfield.  The report lists several incidents involving 
medical-marijuana dispensaries in several cities and  counties 
throughout the state.
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