Pubdate: Tue, 19 Dec 2006
Source: Daily Midway Driller (CA)
Copyright: 2006 Taft Midway Driller
Author: Doug Keeler


The Taft City Council will consider an emergency  ordinance to stop 
anyone from opening up a medical  marijuana-dispensing business in the city.

Chief of Police Bert Pumphrey is asking the council to  approve the 
proposal to allow the city to draw up  long-term policies to address 
the issue of selling  marijuana for medical purposes.

The council would have to approve any ordinance by a  four-fifths vote.

The council will vote on the issue at the regularly  scheduled 
council meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in the  Civic Center Council chambers.

The council has a full agenda on tap.

Two changes in city codes, first recommended by a  committee then 
approved by the Taft Planning  Commission, will be brought up for approval.

The proposed changes would change the section that  prohibits 
improvements on residential property along  Kern Street and would 
allow, more housing to go up in  some lots zoned for multiple 
residential structures.

The council will also hold a hearing on an ordiance to  regulate yard 
sales and limit people to holding four  per year

Also on the agenda for council approval is an ordinance  that wouldd 
require retial food establishments in the  city to post a letter 
grade received after health  inspections.

Collective bargaining agreement with city employees are  also on the agenda.
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MAP posted-by: Elaine