Pubdate: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 Source: Kootenay Western Star (CN BC) Copyright: 2006 Kootenay Western Star Contact: Details: Author: Elliot Robins CRYSTAL METH NOT YET A PROBLEM IN NELSON In an Increasingly Sped-Up Culture, It Is No Surprise That Stimulants Are Becoming More Popular. Crystal methamphetamine is a crystallized form of the stimulant referred to as 'speed.' Although crystal meth has become a problem throughout North America it is not yet a problem in Nelson says Don Maluta. "There's just been a few crystal meth labs in the city that we've dismantled, investigated and gotten warrants for," said Nelson City Police Chief Dan Maluta. "I believe there have only been three or four thus far. So far it hasn't made major inroads into Nelson and it's certainly not an epidemic on the scale that it is down in the Lower Mainland or just across the border." Maluta said that education would be the key to fighting an increased prevalence of meth in Nelson. "We're hoping to stem the floodgates of it becoming an issue here through an aggressive enforcement and education campaign with our youth and we're hoping it doesn't gain a significant foothold in Nelson," Maluta said. Maluta clearly stated that strong measures would be taken around the production and trafficking of crystal meth, and that such matters would become a top priority for city police. "If intelligence was gleaned that there were people trafficking crystal meth in the city and that there was an opportunity for us to be involved in enforcement, we would aggressively pursue that. If and when it does come to light we would probably refocus our priorities to make that the top priority. There's no question. That's how much of a scourge it is to society. There's nothing probably more dangerous out there." Crystal meth is concocted with a variety of chemicals, fires and explosions in meth labs can result. "The labs themselves are very dangerous places," Maluta said. Crystal meth is also highly addictive. "The anecdotal reporting of people with first hand experience shows that there's many cases where people have indicated that they were hooked after the first try and their lives consumed and destroyed in the process," Maluta said. Some meth addicts, desperate for the next high, will resort to extreme measures to ensure they are able to do so. "I can't recall exactly the percentage, but it's somewhere in the realm of 70 to 80 per cent of financial institution robberies in the Lower Mainland are geared to addicts financing their habit," Maluta said. - --- MAP posted-by: Elaine