Pubdate: Fri, 24 Feb 2006
Source: Vancouver 24hours (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 Canoe Inc
Author: Sam Cooper
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


Heads up potheads. Cannabis use may lead to psychosis.

At an SFU forum on cannabis, mental health and addiction, Professor 
David Ferguson from the University of Otago, New Zealand, told his 
audience pot is definitely not a harmless drug.

Based on an ongoing 25-year study of 1,200 youth, Ferguson found 
daily cannabis users reported various symptoms of psychosis about 1.5 
times more than non-users.

But this small increase of symptoms in individuals will boost the 
rate of psychosis in society by about 10 per cent, he said.

The youths were tested for cannabis while aged 18 to 25 and control 
tested for additional social factors from birth.

However, Ferguson said it's important not to over-exaggerate his 
findings in the debate about marijuana de-criminalization.

"In susceptible individuals, cannabis use may lead to mental illness, 
but in many it does not have harmful effects," Ferguson said.

"It's about weighing the rights of the majority for whom use is not 
harmful, against the risk of the minority who experience adverse consequences."

He said youth are most susceptible to the mental health risks of pot 
use because their brains are still developing.
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