Pubdate: Thu, 02 Mar 2006
Source: StarPhoenix, The (CN SN)
Copyright: 2006 The StarPhoenix
Author: Saskatchewan News Network; Prince Albert Daily Herald


PRINCE ALBERT -- A 35-year-old man used his wife and children as 
collateral for the $500 an undercover police agent gave him as 
payment for cocaine, a provincial courtroom heard Wednesday.

Stanley Wallace Roy pleaded guilty to trafficking cocaine and 
possession of property obtained through crime. He was one of 18 
people arrested as a result of a six-month undercover sting operation 
conducted recently by Prince Albert police and RCMP in northern Saskatchewan.

"This accused admits to drug use," said Crown prosecutor Fran 
Atkinson. "He was taped on two occasions last summer dealing drugs. 
It's obvious that Mr. Roy is not doing this spontaneously."

Roy has a previous criminal record relating to drug offences.

"It's apparent he has not learned his lesson," said Atkinson, asking 
for a jail term of up to two years less a day.

In July, Roy met with the undercover agent in a hotel room. The agent 
handed Roy $500 to purchase seven grams of cocaine. Roy didn't have 
the drugs on him and had to go out and search for them.

Atkinson said in order to ensure Roy would come back with the drugs 
and not just take the money, the man left his common-law wife and 
three small children with the agent. Roy returned with 5.2 grams of 
coccaine, short-selling the agent.

In August 2005, the agent went to Roy's home and handed him $1,100 
for 14 grams of cocaine. This transaction, as well as the one in 
July, were audio recorded and photographs were taken.

"We need to send out a message to drug traffickers that they will go 
to jail and the price of continuing this activity will go up," said Atkinson.

Roy was arrested on Feb. 5, along with several other people in the 
large drug sting operation. He has been in custody since his arrest.

The case was adjourned for sentencing Friday.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman