Pubdate: Sat, 18 Feb 2006
Source: Iowa City Press-Citizen (IA)
Copyright: 2006 Iowa City Press-Citizen
Author: Deborah Thornton


Amazing. In the same weekend is a story about a county sheriff who 
doesn't want to enforce the laws and a story about how University of 
Iowa fraternity "men" have a higher arrest rate for drinking and 
drugs than other male students. Guess whose parents would prefer that 
they don't have arrest records? Guess whose parents are probably 
supporting Lonny?

Currently, I don't drive on dark country roads, anywhere after 
football games or downtown on any Thursday, Friday, or Saturday 
night. I think I'll keep it up. Also, I'll keep calling to report 
speeders and crazy drivers on Scott Boulevard after midnight. Not 
that our police force will be doing anything about it. I wonder who 
I'll sue after someone comes crashing through our fence, into the 
bedroom and kills my children? A druggie is a druggie, a drunk is a 
drunk, and they should both be arrested and off the streets.

Sheriff, earn your paycheck. Enforce the laws as written, or do us 
all a favor and quit.

Deborah Thornton

Iowa City
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman