Pubdate: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 Source: Galveston County Daily News (TX) Copyright: 2006 Galveston Newspapers, Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Sharon Batiste Gillins ILLEGAL DRUGS ARE EVERYBODY'S PROBLEM Early Friday, vandals broke five windows at Curt and Sharon Batiste Gillins' Y'a Bon Village Coffeehouse in Galveston. They also tried to set the place ablaze with a small amount of flammable liquid that caused minor damage to a window frame. Neighbors blamed drug dealers who hang out in a small park across the street. Open letter to the people of Galveston: My husband and I are humbled by the community's response to the vandalism that occurred at our business this week. We sincerely thank each of you for your encouragement and support. Illegal drugs are everybody's problem. To people involved in activities that destroy families and neighborhoods, my message to you is that education cures poverty. You can learn skills that will enable you to support yourself without risking precious lives, incarceration or addiction. To residents of affected neighborhoods, keep expecting flowers on the sidewalks and safe streets; ask your city leaders for help in achieving that. To city government, encourage economic development in blighted areas and make poor neighborhoods a priority for city services. To educators, don't write off the dropouts; they'll either be tomorrow's leaders or criminals. To the police, remain vigilant in even the worst neighborhoods; the citizens need your help. And to everyone, please pray for us, our safety and the success of our business as a model of what can be. Together, we can make a difference. Sharon Batiste Gillins Galveston - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman