Pubdate: Sat, 18 Mar 2006
Source: Times, The  (Munster IN)
Copyright: 2006 The Munster Times
Author: Ken Kosky


Sheriff: 'Obviously, We're Not Making A Difference'

VALPARAISO -- The Porter County Sheriff and the Valparaiso police 
chief will pull their officers out the Porter County Drug Task Force 
and instead join forces with a federal drug task force already 
operating in the region.

During a meeting Friday representatives of several local law 
enforcement agencies met to discuss the future of the county task 
force, which is run by the Porter County Prosecutor's Office. Porter 
County Sheriff Dave Reynolds said Friday evening his department will 
join the federal Drug Enforcement Agency task force.

"Obviously we're not making a difference," Reynolds said of the local 
drug problem.

Valparaiso Police Chief Michael Brickner said Friday that he had 
intended pull out of the local task force at the meeting to 
immediately join DEA task force. But he and other police officials 
decided to stay in the task force temporarily to allow time for a transition.

But Brickner said his department will definitely end its involvement 
with the county drug task force.

Reynolds said officials from the DEA offered their assistance to Porter County.

"How do you turn down the United States government?" he asked.

The Porter County Drug Task Force -- undercover officers working 
local drug cases -- is made up of officers from the three largest 
police departments in Porter County -- Valparaiso, Portage and Porter 
County police. An Indiana State Police officer also assists. The 
Porter County prosecutor's office funds and oversees the unit. Robert 
Taylor, the coordinator, has been in charge since 1995.

Taylor confirmed the meeting, and said he doesn't know what the future holds.

"I'm told I still have a drug unit," Taylor said Friday afternoon.

Taylor defended the record of county task force, citing the increase 
in the number of cases it handles each year.

Chief Deputy Prosecutor Brian Gensel confirmed there was a meeting 
Friday morning involving police chiefs throughout the county and the 
DEA. But he said those at the meeting "just wanted to address some concerns."

"There were many things discussed and, ultimately, the three 
departments that contribute members still have their members in the 
department," Gensel said. "Nothing has changed."

When asked about the future of the unit, Gensel said, "We're just 
forging ahead with the narcotics unit as it exists."

Cpl. John Ryan, a Portage police spokesman, confirmed "everything is 
status quo, and the drug unit has not been disbanded."
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman