Pubdate: Wed, 05 Apr 2006
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 The Province
Author: Keith Fraser
Bookmark: (Outlaw Bikers)


Suspects Apply To Have Drug-Trafficking Charges Stayed

Three Hells Angels have applied to have drug trafficking charges 
stayed on grounds of an abuse of process relating to the actions of a 
police agent.

The application by Ronaldo Lising, Kerry Renaud and Nima Ghavami was 
made before B.C. Supreme Court Justice Victor Curtis in Vancouver yesterday.

Don Morrison, a lawyer for Ghavami, says in a court document that 
inappropriate force and abuse was applied by the agent, who was 
recruited from jail for up to $1 million, against his client.

"The agent threatened and inveigled Ghavami into illegal activities 
which, up to that time, Ghavami had never been involved in, but which 
the agent had been involved in. The conduct was sanctioned by the 
Royal Canadian Mounted Police."

James Sutherland, a lawyer for Renaud, said he expects the hearing to 
be lengthy since the agent was also involved in the investigations of 
numerous other Hells Angels who were also charged but have not yet 
gone to trial.

Greg DelBigio, a lawyer for Lising, said several high-ranking 
officers, possibly including B.C. RCMP Assistant-Commissioner Gary 
Bass, may be called as witnesses to difficulties encountered with the agent.

The judge adjourned a decision on when the application might be heard 
until next Wednesday.

Lising, a full-patch member of the Nomad chapter of the Hells Angels, 
is charged with possessing methamphetamines for the purpose of 
trafficking. Nima Ghavami, an alleged associate of the East End 
chapter of the notorious motorcycle gang, and Kerry Renaud, another 
associate, are charged with trafficking in methamphetamines.
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