Pubdate: Wed, 05 Apr 2006
Source: Penticton Herald (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 The Okanagan Valley Group of Newspapers
Author: John Moorhouse
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine - Canada)


Crystal meth is described as dangerous, highly addictive and a 
growing problem in the community.

Penticton residents will soon have an opportunity to educate 
themselves about the drug under a public awareness program sponsored 
by the city and the community policing office.

Details of the Know More crystal meth project were announced Tuesday 
by Mayor Jake Kimberley and Penticton RCMP Insp. Dan Fudge. Funded 
through a $10,000 provincial grant, the program will include a 
community forum on the drug problem June 14 at the Cleland Theatre.

The program also involves training community volunteers to facilitate 
workshops for parents and other interested people on the physical and 
psychological effects of meth and what is involved in its production.

"We can't stop everybody, but we can sure get out there and educate 
the community and those retailers who sell the products that go into 
producing this life-destroying drug," said Kimberley. "The essential 
part is to get people to take notice."

Fudge said the dangers of crystal meth use are well-known throughout 
the province.

"Certainly it's an issue within our community as well," he said. 
"Perhaps not as big as in other communities, but certainly we do have 
a problem we need to be concerned with."

Although highly addictive, crystal meth is relatively inexpensive and 
therefore growing in use among young people. Fudge said prevention 
and education are the keys to making the program work, adding that 
the forum in June should help in that regard.

"We want to highlight the dangers that are involved in crystal meth," 
he said. "We really want to do everything we can to educate people 
and educate our young people of the dangers involved."

Tuesday's announcement preceded the first meeting of the city's drug 
awareness task force. Coun. Garry Litke, who chairs the committee, 
said task force members hope to monitor the effectiveness of the Know 
More program and maintain community interest in the crystal meth problem.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom