Pubdate: Fri, 07 Apr 2006
Source: Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Copyright: 2006 The Ottawa Citizen
Author: Tony Lofaro
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


Out On Bail, Woman Vows To Change Ways

Pregnant and very hungry, Angel Fergus wept tears of joy at the 
courthouse yesterday after she was released from jail, vowing to 
change her former ways and promising to take care of her unborn baby.

"I want to go eat at a buffet," a crying Ms. Fergus, 22, said as she 
was reunited with her fiance, Michael Barkley, 27, and her mother, 
Denise Daigle, after spending two weeks in jail on charges of theft, 
assault and breach of probation. Ms. Fergus, who is almost seven 
months' pregnant, was handed a three-month jail sentence by an 
Ontario Court justice last month despite the fact her lawyer and the 
Crown had agreed on a conditional sentence of six months under house arrest.

Lawyer James Foord succeeded in having Ms. Fergus released on bail 
pending her appeal, ending an ordeal he said probably never should 
have happened.

Ms. Fergus' appeal before the Ontario Court of Appeal is expected to 
be heard within six months -- possibly past her due date in mid-June.

"I'm so happy that I'm out," said Ms. Fergus, saying she would not 
wish the conditions she experienced at the Ottawa-Carleton Regional 
Detention Centre on her worst enemy.

She said that aside from regular meals, she was only given extra milk 
and fruit while in jail, and although she was visited by a doctor, 
she was never examined.

She said she's still puzzled by the judge's decision, especially 
considering her pregnancy and that Crown and defence lawyers had 
recommended a conditional sentence.

"I guess he (the judge) figured I was doing drugs while I was 
pregnant and thought it would be good for me to be in jail to get 
cleaned up," she said.

In his ruling, Justice Richard Lajoie pointed out that Ms. Fergus had 
smoked marijuana in the first three months of her pregnancy, and that 
she had reoffended while on probation.

He also described her as a young woman with a "multitude of problems" 
and perhaps it was time to give her a "wake-up call," adding that her 
new baby should be her priority.

Among the bail conditions set out in the appeal, Ms. Fergus must keep 
the peace, live at her mother's house, abstain from consuming 
alcohol, attend weekly meetings of Narcotics Anonymous and report 
once a month to Ottawa police.

The two weeks in jail were sobering, she said, adding it's certainly 
not a place she wants to visit again.

"I have learned to behave and to never get in trouble again," she 
said. "This is the start of me turning my life around.

"I want to be a good mother to my child because I have the support of 
my mother and my fiance."

Her mother was overcome with emotion yesterday after waiting several 
hours for her daughter's release from jail.

"I'm just happy to see her because she's lost weight, she's pale and 
very emotional," said Ms. Daigle.

She said her daughter is sincere about turning her life around and 
will now begin to focus on her baby.

Mr. Foord said he was happy with the outcome for his client.

"We're pleased that she will be home with her mom and that she'll be 
able to attend her doctor's appointments pending the birth of her 
child," he said.

"That's what we set out to do and that's what we achieved."
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman