Pubdate: Thu, 13 Apr 2006
Source: Edinburgh Evening News (UK)
Copyright: 2006 The Scotsman Publications Ltd
Authors: Alan Mcewen, and Michael Blackley
Bookmark: (Drug Raids)


FIFTY police officers today raided a drop-in centre for homeless 
people on the Royal Mile in a swoop on drug dealers.

Officers wearing riot gear descended on The Ark in New Street to 
carry out a search of the premises as part of the Operation Foil 
anti-drugs initiative.

A police sniffer dog was deployed inside, while patrons were put in 
plastic handcuffs for questioning.

Another officer using a camcorder taped the operation at the centre, 
which opened in 1997 to provide shelter and cheap food for rough sleepers.

Around 40 people were believed to be inside when the police arrived 
in a convoy of vans and people carriers.

A police spokeswoman confirmed the raid was taking place, but said no 
details of any arrests or drug seizures were yet available.

The Ark was previously raided in May 2003 after complaints from 
residents who said addicts were leaving drug paraphernalia in common 
stairs and in a nearby primary school after doing deals.

Small amounts of heroin were seized and three men were arrested and 
charged, with one 23-year-old man charged with supplying drugs within 
the premises.

A 49-year man, who is a regular at the centre, today said: "I arrived 
here at 10am and wasn't allowed inside because they were inside 
searching everyone.

"The Ark is regularly used by groups of dealers and drugs do change 
hands in there. Anything from heroin downwards. It's basically used 
as a drugs drop-off centre and everyone who comes here knows that. 
The dealers are here because they know they can get customers."

Centre staff have said that a strict drugs policy is in place and 
clients suspected of illegal drug use or dealing are excluded.

But they added that many clients did have issues with drug dependencies.

No-one was available for comment at the Ark centre today.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom